• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Starting over from scratch, what moderator would you get?

I have yet to see a custom maker in the US who makes all-delrin pickles.

Ordered 4 Matt Winsers from the UK when I was still in Asia:

silencer 1.1650323393.png

silencer 2.1650323492.png

silencer 3.1650323513.png

Feels like it's turning into a Donny bash. I didn't intend for it to go that direction when I shared my opinion a page or two back. 

Where Donny wins, by a LARGE margin, is the marketing and availability. Most mods only have a few places you can get them, either through a exclusive dealership situation, or the maker himself cranking them out of his garage. Both of those supply chains are somewhat limited. But Donny? you can get them anywhere and everywhere. Ubiquitous. His marketing is superb, as is his delivery, both the delivery of that marketing, and the final product being delivered. The first moderator manufacturer that I know of to go "mainstream". You have to admire the guy actually, going from PVC pipe out of his garage, to a huge company supplying moderators and supporting his own family as well as the handful of employees that he now has. Honestly, THAT is the American dream.

And while I said (and stick with it) that the Hogan Decimeter is my personal favorite in the hushing area.....as pointed out...where are you gonna get a Hogan now? Same question about a Donny though? and there's no problem getting your hands on any of the 8 or 10? designs/sizes he makes. 

Donny's do well at what they're intended (the hushing) but there are others ( other's that are harder to obtain) that hush just a bit better.
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Feels like it's turning into a Donny bash. I didn't intend for it to go that direction when I shared my opinion a page or two back. 

Where Donny wins, by a LARGE margin, is the marketing and availability. Most mods only have a few places you can get them, either through a exclusive dealership situation, or the maker himself cranking them out of his garage. Both of those supply chains are somewhat limited. But Donny? you can get them anywhere and everywhere. Ubiquitous. His marketing is superb, as is his delivery, both the delivery of that marketing, and the final product being delivered. The first moderator manufacturer that I know of to go "mainstream". You have to admire the guy actually, going from PVC pipe out of his garage, to a huge company supplying moderators and supporting his own family as well as the handful of employees that he now has. Honestly, THAT is the American dream.

And while I said (and stick with it) that the Hogan Decimeter is my personal favorite in the hushing area.....as pointed out...where are you gonna get a Hogan now? Same question about a Donny though? and there's no problem getting your hands on any of the 8 or 10? designs/sizes he makes. 

Donny's do well at what they're intended (the hushing) but there are others ( other's that are harder to obtain) that hush just a bit better.

Well said! 
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For me personally I like my sto levitas. Carbon reinforced 3d print. It has lived on my streamline, replaced a sumo, the sumo was a touch quieter but the levitas is close. One of the big things I like about the levitas is the weight, my groups moved up due to less barrel droop. Now I’m my higher powered guns I like the huma mod 40 and 50. 
For me personally I like my sto levitas. Carbon reinforced 3d print. It has lived on my streamline, replaced a sumo, the sumo was a touch quieter but the levitas is close. One of the big things I like about the levitas is the weight, my groups moved up due to less barrel droop. Now I’m my higher powered guns I like the huma mod 40 and 50.

Levitas? he's sales a Accipiter, Falx and Sarissa, never hear of his Levitas
Neil Clague Reflexed LDCs,...custom made to the lengths you want/need

The reflex models are built over the end of the shroud correct? picture? are they more permanent?


Ok here we go, a sample of a regular 8" Neil Clague LDC and a 6" with 4" of reflex




To me the reflexed model looks significantly better and in his case saves 2" in overall length