Weather was perfect for me and for shooting cool and overcast with only a slight breeze blowing. Managed to get hold of some JSB Jumbo RS 13.4 pellets so wanted to give them a try out at the range while I had some time. Stapled some targets up on the stand drug it out to 50 yards and started shooting the unsorted pellets. Fergot my Chrony though I will add chrony results to the post later. Love the shot count on the 2240 it's over fifty shots at 18-20fpe. The HW has a tiny air reservoir so only manages 20 shots or so at about the same power level.
Someone left a target that did not have enough holes in it so I finished it off for them the .22 pellets are a bit smaller than what they were shooting. Groups fit under a nickel .83 of an inch so guess they are around .75 inches. These were from the 2240 blue gun but both guns were shooting groups this size very consistently.

The HW44 shot the same pellets just as well as the 2240 and ended up with about the same size of groups.

Center target was from the sk19 shooting some of the newer NSA 17.5 dish based HP slugs they look promising. Shot to the right was the first shot after an air refill. Shot below was a random stray pellet when I was sighting in the HW44. There are six shots in less than 3/4 inch.

Someone left a target that did not have enough holes in it so I finished it off for them the .22 pellets are a bit smaller than what they were shooting. Groups fit under a nickel .83 of an inch so guess they are around .75 inches. These were from the 2240 blue gun but both guns were shooting groups this size very consistently.

The HW44 shot the same pellets just as well as the 2240 and ended up with about the same size of groups.

Center target was from the sk19 shooting some of the newer NSA 17.5 dish based HP slugs they look promising. Shot to the right was the first shot after an air refill. Shot below was a random stray pellet when I was sighting in the HW44. There are six shots in less than 3/4 inch.