08-11-21 user Elis5713 purchased a new Bronze M3 Compact .22 cal serial #2139203 (now considered stolen and blacklisted serial number)
08-12-15 rifle shipped to Elis5713 via FedEx with direct signature required so it would arrive when he would be home at the address on Sunday 08-15-21 for delivery as discussed.
08-15-21 FedEx proof of delivery shows signed and delivered by "Elis" at approximately 9:30AM.
08-15-21 (same day 11hrs later) at approximately 8:30PM user Elis5713 lists his old FX Impact MK2 that he was replacing with the new Impact M3, per our phone conversations, for sale on this forum. (
click here)
08-18-21 Elis5173 calls asking us to make a claim for him to FedEx, that he spoke to the driver directly, who said he signed in Elis' name and left the package in the hallway which was then stolen.
09-01-21 FedEx denied his claim since there was no proof of mishandling the package or that the driver signed in his name and left the package in a random hallway.
Elis5713 refused to file police report even though we informed him it was a requirement per our policy for us to help him further after the FedEx claim denial.
Elis5713 then used the credit card company to try to get around our policy which was decided in our favor due to this compelling evidence that we did everything we could to provide services as agreed.
11-22-21 we received a second chargeback for the same transaction.