SOLD WTS .25 ammo lot. Hades/Hybrids
- By RoboDabo
- Member Classifieds
- 0 Replies
I just sold my last air rifle. I guess I'm done with this hobby for a while. This lot is for sale and I only want to sell the whole lot. Please don't ask me to only send you a tin or two, I won't.
..Hades- 8 unopened tins, and one tin with very few taken out of it.
..FX Hybrid Slugs- 6 packs unopened, 1 opened pack with 10 slugs removed, and 10 hades replaced in their spots.
...H&N Hornet- 1 unopened tin, 1 opened tin minus a couple mags worth.
..JSB 25.39 1 opened tin minus one magazine worth.
...JsB 33.95- 1 opened tin minus a few mags worth.
..All the remaining, consider them free.
Whole lot- $250 plus shipping.
Note... I do not get on here much, if interested, please text me @ 865-773-2255. My name is Robert and I live in Tennessee.
..Hades- 8 unopened tins, and one tin with very few taken out of it.
..FX Hybrid Slugs- 6 packs unopened, 1 opened pack with 10 slugs removed, and 10 hades replaced in their spots.
...H&N Hornet- 1 unopened tin, 1 opened tin minus a couple mags worth.
..JSB 25.39 1 opened tin minus one magazine worth.
...JsB 33.95- 1 opened tin minus a few mags worth.
..All the remaining, consider them free.
Whole lot- $250 plus shipping.
Note... I do not get on here much, if interested, please text me @ 865-773-2255. My name is Robert and I live in Tennessee.