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  • Question
Daisy 901 Questions

Hello Everyone-I'm new to Airgun Nation. Last weekend I was "gifted" a new in the box Daisy 901 Duck Commander. The box is date May of 2013. I in turn will be giving it to my daughter for her birthday later this month. I have several questions about this rifle. Keep in mind it is still zip tied in the box. The instruction Manuel is sitting underneath the gun and I'm not pulling it out until she opens the package on her birthday (I'm old fashioned that way).

First, I'm not new to Airguns per say. I grew up with them as a kid but shot BB's only....I lost interest in my High School and College years but became a firearms and hunting enthusiast when I became an adult. My guns growing up were the Daisy Youth Model 105 and the Crossman AIR 17 both of which I've already passed down to my daughter. She loves them.

Here are my questions about the Daisy 901

1. While this gun has been sitting brand new in the box for 10 years in a climate controlled room, I've got to believe that it's still going to need to be oiled before we shoot it on her birthday...right? Or am am I wrong. If the gun needs to be re-oiled what would you recommend? I "think"I read that it needs to be 30 weight non detergent oil...any recommendations on brand etc.

2. Do they make a bore rod or bore snake that you would recommend for initial cleaning of the barrel? Also what do you guys use for cleaning the barrel of an airgun?

3. Due to the rifled barrel, this will be strictly a pellet gun. Can anyone suggest a brand and grain size of pellet that seems to perform best in the 901. We will be shooting lots of paper along with soup cans etc. I want something that flies straight but still has enough umph to zip through a soup can at 10-25+ yards.

4. I have relatively good size hands . Any tips on getting those little .177's to load properly and efficiently?

I still have time to order the pellets before her birthday. I'm not opposed to going to Wall Mart or Accademy etc. but if there is a better place with a better selection, I would love to know. Thanks in advance for your guidance!

  • Question
Kratos 22 shot count?

How many shots would be expected from the Kratos 22 cal while still in the "node"? I currently run an Umarex Origin and honestly, I love the gun and it's accuracy. I keep it between 130 and 200 BAR since it's unregulated and I get 35 highly accurate shots (half inch or less groups at 50 yards and 2-3" at 100 yards). I'd like to get 50,60, maybe even 70 accurate shots on a fill. Would this be possible from the Kratos on the lower power hammer settings? I'm not looking for hot rod blistering speeds. I run my gun on the lowest hammer spring setting and I'm content with that. Just looking for a bigger bottled gun that is in the price range of the Kratos. I like the idea of a 200BAR max fill to keep the wear and tear(heat) off my compressor.

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Bore Scope and Barrel Maintenance Questions

I used my bore scope for the first time and I realized I don’t know what normal use looks like in my bores. I saw lead streaks on the lands, smeared squiggly lines that appeared to be in oil or grease, small flakey sheets and patches of lead in a slug barrel, bands of lead in a pattern almost resembles the pattern of bands on a coral snake, and I saw what looked like scratches inside the bore. I saw what may be spots of corrosion and rust in a barrel. I was also able to view the condition of my bore crowns and the magazine to barrel alignment of my Huben.

Mod BenBull .357 Flakey Lead Sheets in Barrel 5-7-23 .jpg

E. Lelya 2.0 .25 Leading and Rust? on Rifling1 5-7-23.jpg

BenBull .357 Lead Bands:Stripes in Bore 5-7-23.jpg

E. Lelya 2.0 .25 Scratches? on Rifling 5-7-23.jpg

Mod BenBull .357 Rust? Spots in Barrel 5-7-23 .jpg

I’ve been paying attetntion to how the barrels shoot. My slug barrel needs cleaning based upon the way that it shoots and looks. I’m thinking that the squiggly lines in what appears to be grease come from the fletching on air bolts shot from a cleaned barrel then shooting a few slugs afterward. It doesn’t look bad. I’ve only used patchworm kits to clean my barrels. Some of these barrels I’ve never cleaned.

My questions are:

1) What is a good source to reference for visual comparison of airgun barrels in various conditions (with bore scope photos)?

2) How can I positively identify rust and corrosion inside of an airgun barrel?

3) What’s an efficient remedy for removing spots of corrosion or rust in an airgun barrel?

4) When are more aggressive barrel cleaning methods necessary?

5) What are your preferred methods of aggressively cleaning your your airgun barrels?

6) Can I see the choke in a barrel with a bore scope?

7) How do I identify manufacturer imperfection in a barrel?

8) How can I identify tight spots or uneven spots in my barrel? Spots that may lead easily which in turn may throw some of my shots off target.

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Dreamline .22 100f/s loss in power

A little history first. Scratched the inner wall where the valve holder sits. Had to sand out the scratches but now the stock orings around the valve holder dont seal. I now sand my own orings to fit. And it works, holds air. Was shooting 18.13 g at 890. Degassed the dreamline to lower reg pressure. After filling ,it was leaking at the plenum. Removed the plenum to install new orings. Noticed a piece of oring coming out of the vent hole above the valve holder on the main body. After cleaning and installing new orings and filling with air, no leaks. Now shooting 770 f/s. Could this be a result of the vent hole being completly plugged now from an overly tight oring sliding passed the hole during the valve holder install. Any ideas would be great. Hoping to avoid removing air, last time it would not hold air again and new orings take me about 5 hours to sand down to work. Thanks guys
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Help, How can I connect this air venturi fill whip to this 4500 psi blue filter do I need an adapter or should I screw it in?.

  1. Need help am trying to run this air venturi dn2 1/8th bspp fill whip from my filter as shown in the pictures, As im screwing it in by hand im starting to feel a bit of resistance so I stop, I dont know weather this is the right thread size, I dont want to damage the threads, Is there an adapter to make this work.? I dont want to have to buy a new fill whip.

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FX Chrony Setup--Magazine shot count

While using my FX chronograph recently I noticed that it is now giving me audibles on shots remaining in my magazine, telling me when the magazine is empty, etc. This is a great feature, but how do I set the shot count for the magazine? Right now it thinks that my 10 round Veteran mags only hold 8 pellets. I can't locate the mag count setting in my setup menu. Thanks in advance for your help.
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I'm a novice and would like to know, what is the most accurate and affordable pcp rifle to 50 yards? Any good recommendations? Within USD 500.

I'm a novice and would like to know, what is the most accurate and affordable pcp rifle to 50 yards? Any good recommendations? Within USD 500.I want to kill the rats in the chicken coop and need a night vision scope?

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Rendering a Huben K1 "safe" at the range?

I'm contemplating getting a Huben K1 but I'd like to take it to my local firing range, where they would expect it to be "rendered safe" when not in use. Usually for conventional firearms this means safety on, unloaded, and chamber open.

What's the closest I could get with a Huben K1? Based on my understanding of how the gun works, the best I can do is empty the magazine and put the safety on; is there some way to obviously render the gun "safer" than that? Without being able to remove the magazine and without a bolt to hold open, what could I do?
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  • Question
How often do you change you oil in you yong heng, How quickly should to drain on the first fill

So I see some people mention 2 hours, I seen someone say 50 hours, I have no clue how do you know when to change the oil, Im planning on getting secolube 500 its 23.75 a quart for me buying one gallon thats decent should last a long time.

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Lead Free 30 cal?

Hey all,

New airgunner here looking to get a hatson 30 cal break barrel. I was wondering if anyone could point me to any lead free 30 cal pellets. I have looked around all over and even emailed some companies like H&N to ask if they will make 30 cal lead free pellets in the future with no luck. Is this just not a thing? I am interested in taking small game and do not wish to handle lead as I have gotten elevated lead levels from firearms in the past.


  • Question
So what kind of water do I use to cool my yong heng compressor

I seen folks use tap water distilled water, water wetter, Whats the deal is tap water fine followed with vinegar after a few months to clean up the mineral deposits, Is distilled water by its self bad, Do you need water weter if you use distilled water or should I just use tap water with ice.

  • Question
Where is it? New to PCP: pre and post use equipment maintenance regimen

Should a neophyte want to establish THE "best practice" routine for caring for their first pcp and its accouter-mental there a bible available? Surely one exists, but I'm not finding it.

I have a new Air Venturi Avenger (predictable; I know) and the manual has a couple of stumbling points that I need help clarifying.
1) The manual says that all pcp's like to be stored with some air in them to keep pressure on the seals. The next couple of sentences are about degassing. Is there a problem storing my Avenger with 3000 ish psi in the reservoir?

I'm sure there are many precautions that I absolutely should observe that haven't even occurred to me. There has to be a compilation for blank pages like me. Where can I find it?
