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  • Question
Multiple guns or 1 more adjustable rig?

Rabbits are running rampant in our neighborhood and looks like with the wife's blessing I may jump away from powder burners to dive a bit back into airgun land...used to shoot 10m paper targets competitively but that was 15+ years so lots of new stuff since then!

Traditional neighborhood on 1/4 acre lots or so, but not in city limits and no county ordinance against air guns so backyard shooting is legal but still trying to keep noise down as much as possible. Most shooting would be done from a mostly concealed patio area and longest backyard shot is realistically 20 yds....maybe 30 if I setup on the 2nd floor out a window at night.

My struggle is I know that when I go down this rabbit hole I'm quickly going to want something with more guts than the .177 that is right for my backyard and task at hand. Should I try and get something that is .22 cal and with enough adjustability and pellet choice can bring that fpe down to sub 20 and up to over 30 or is 2 dedicated rigs a simpler answer? Not many coons, few squirrels and no coyotes that I've seen but rabbits doing their thing like...well rabbits have caused a bumper crop this year.

Will be a PCP and initial budget I'm putting at about $1k but I already have the scuba tank from the prior venture and it was recently recertified so good there.

No preference between used or new but generally more of a buy once, cry once mentality so not looking for entry price point solutions. The backyard gun would benefit from compactness and I've enjoyed bullpup style ones in the past and have been looking at used Taipan or FX Wildcat or a new or used Akela. Several on the classifieds right now are intriguing me. What else should I be looking at in this area? If I went the 2 gun route, I'd probably justify to myself spending more on this one as it'd get greater use and could be used inside for precision paper punching

If I went the 2 gun route, the larger one would probably be a .25 cal in a longer platform, considering the Maruder or similar and would have 0 qualms buying used here as well and would probably prefer used to get more bells and whistles for same budget...what else in the .25 cal size and good to 80 to 100 yds should I learn about? This would primarily be small game/pest control though would like to try some field target matches if I can find some in my area.

So what says ya'll? Is a single gun with tuning or barrel sets feasible here...if so any recommendations? Or do you think separate tools for separate tasks is better and what would be your go to?

  • Question
❓ Yong Heng: Your Advice for a NewB

🔴 Yong Heng:​

Your Advice for a NewB 🔴

A couple of years ago I collected all the advice, information, fixes, mods, instructionals, and links for the PP700 that I could find on the interwebs.
I must have waded through a 1000 posts.... Armed with that info I was ready to get a PP700.

Then I did a similar thing for the Tactacam 5.0 FTS setup. Done — and purchased it.

So, now I'm standing at the foot of a new mountain — a compressor purchase.

And my work week is so crazy right now that sleep doesn't seem like an option. Much less, doing another deep level research like the other times.

So, would you help me out? 😊
What advice do you have for me?
Or which posts are essential reading?
▪ What mods or accessories do I need?

My situation is that I have to buy it locally in Peru from a guy that imports them from China.
I can't look at them (he lives on the other side of the country), but I can request photos.
Yupp, no warranties, no returns.... Fun fun fun....

Thanks!! 😊


  • Question
Wind sock? Wind Flag ? What do you use?

I will start off, My back yard range was three wind flags, One at 25 yards one at 35 yards and at the end at 48 yards, I use two and three foot sticks hammered in the ground , On top I use thin ribbon like you make bows from, Wife has this stuff in her sewing kit,Comes on a spool all different colors ,, I use a thumb tack to attach the ribbon to the stick
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  • Question
Getting accurate ranging Daystate Revere, something weird here…

I’m fairly new to the discipline, although I have shot at several Gp events. So I have become intimately aware that good doping data is critical.
I’ve been practicing, and collecting data on my gun/pellet combo.
I’m currently gathering data for each yard between 10 and 30yds on my Daystate Revere, and have run into a strange phenomenon. The scope is zeroed at 23 yards, everything shorter is held over, everything longer is held over until I get to about 29 yards. I’m finding that I have to hold UNDER by a fraction of a mil dot.!?
after 30yds its back to over. What am I dealing with here? parallax error, pellet instability, shooter error?

  • Question
Screws for Impact M3 bottom rail?

Ok Impact guru's I've got a quick question.

I've swapped out the bottom rail so many times that I forgot if all the screws should be the same length or not?

I just swapped out the Scandanavian Arms rail for the K&L Gen 3 rail and I noticed that 2 of the 4 screws are shorter than the other 2. The 2 shorter screws don't bite much. I'm thinking the SA rail may have come with 2 shorter screws, but I can't remember (and I don't see any spare screws laying around).

Are all your screws the same length?


  • Solved
Primos Trigger Stick Tripod to Support Optics and Other Accessories

I’ve been looking for info on this for a couple of days and I believe I’m overlooking the post(s) that address it. I’m looking to mount a light spotting scope to a taller tripod to view pellet holes in paper targets as opposed to adjusting my scope’s magnification ring or kneeling down to use the tripod pictured below.

Anyone use their Trigger Sick Gen 3 tripod to mount spotting scopes, binoculars, or other optics? If so, are you using any sort of adapters other than what’s pictured and linked below?

What’s the stability like for this sort of application? Is wind a large factor?

  • Question
New guy hunting questions. FX DREAM-TACT COMPACT

Hello all,

I have some questions... This will likely be a long thread and in my past forum exploits I should know not to make this long of a post because people stop reading about 1/4 the way through, I have highlighted questions. I've been searching for answers for the last week with Google and this forums search function... here I am without answers.

That being said. I am looking to buy my first PCP. I have a Crossman/Mendoza r77 springer that meets 40% of my needs but when facing nuisance critters it just does not have the performance. I donated a .177 Crossman wad cutter to one of 4 racoons the other night and it appears all I did was ruin his evening for a while.. So the problems...

First a racoon or opossum are very determined critters. In the past I just used 22 LR or 12 gage to hunt or remove them from the buildings but since most encounters are in concrete and tin buildings its been the 12 gage with very strategic firing lanes with me physically running after them or setting up ambushes. I can no longer use the 12g because the buildings have been filled up with shotgun sensitive items and desirable animals along with me not being young enough to run them down like I used to.

I tried doing some searching. For power requirements every forum/article parrots at least 25 FPE for coon.... thats all fine and dandy but no one appears to have minimum FPE to gage effective range. So...

Does anyone know the effective FPE of a projectile against a racoon at distance?

22LR looked to be effective on racoons up to about 200 feet back when I hunted them with dogs but its a lot of work to reverse engineer the data . Especially without B.C. of the ammo I used over a decade ago. I know around 39 grains at 900-1000 fps or whatever 22 CB short someone handed me in the dark in suburban areas to be quiet.. That is going to be a problem with my gaging this whole deal.

Opossums aperantly require the 50 BMG because I've hit them with my car at 70 mph and they've rolled along just to get up and wonder off after the inconvenience... but I think what would work on a coon would apply with proper shot placement.

I'm a firearm guy looking at the airgun world the same way a GM mechanic looks at a Dodge vehicle. These both go down the road but what does that do and how does it work? Exterior ballistics is something I research while reloading for my bigger firearms and I research it a lot.

I reached out to Utah Airguns with my dilemma and they recommended the FX wildcat and the FX tact compact both in .22. The wildcat is is a bull pup and whether or not its the same or not. I HATE bull pup triggers and ergonomics on firearms. The added barrel length may be helpful in this case.

With the nature of the engagements in buildings and the availability and price of 22 LR ammunition offerings locally I am investigating possible replacement of the 22LR with PCP. My other uses are starling removal from my house area, squirrel hunting, rabbit hunting, and general plinking. I'm hoping for a crossover because this FX rivals the prices I've paid firearms including 22LR race guns.

The compactness, folding stock for cow stansion traversal and adjustability of the dream-tact compact is appealing along with its modularity similar to the scary black rifle making news regularly. However when it comes to the scary black rifles. I build them for one purpose and leave them set that way. Its only downside is that the dream-tact compact is 1 pound to heavy and doesn't have much for 2 point slings and lights. Any ideas?

What I can not figure out is if it will do double duty without out major modifications.

How much can I get out of a tune by just setting it to low and changing the hammer spring without touching the screw?

So this unit will apparently turn down with the dial. Seperate from that adjustment screw. The manual doesn't get to specific on any of this.

What is the average velocity of this thing with its preffered pellet on low? It appears everyone buys a small gun and tries to tune it like a big gun and this information is hard to come by.

Because I need to turn this down for inside buildings to reduce over penetration and ricochet I was contemplating a lower weight slug as a possibilty while the twist rate (unknown) may not stabilize this perfectly and at this velocity if the slug doesn't tumble or break the pellet probe the added weight might increase the FPE enough to be effective at 20 feet against these ornery little thieves at low velocity.

So my other questions on this unit are:

Is it worth while to carry a seperate stock tank while hunting? Or so these lose a lot of pressure when changing them? I do not like the bottle.

What is the stock twist rate?

What is the stock non adjusted trigger pull weight to break at the second stage?
It appears to be not adjustable for take up weight just travel. My favorite 2 stage trigger is 2 pound take up on the short travel distance with a 4-5 pound second stage break. This allows for finding the trigger and feeling it set with thin gloves on. It gets cold here.

What is everyone favorite method of a compressor that doesn't require a mortgage or and addition to the house?

Is there a cost effective optic brand that doesn't lose zero?
Otherwise I will stick with my home states brand of Vortex.

Thanks in advance.
