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FX  Fx Bobcat Mk1

I just purchased a FX Bobcat .22 MK1. This particular gun did not come with a regulator. Hoping to hear from someone who has installed a regulator on this gun and what they thought about the change in the gun. The gun shoots fantastic but definitely has a sweet spot in PSI to get a consistent shot string.

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Air Arms  What power TX200 should I choose?

Hello all,
Newbie to this group!

I've decided to treat myself to a new a springer and after hours of reading and watching reviews, I have finally decided to buy myself a TX200.
I live in France which means I have the option of picking up either a 12 fpe (16 joules) model or a 14.7 fpe (20 joules) model.
Most of my shooting is done in my garden and I shoot at 20 to 40m paper targets. I also do a little plinking at roughly the same distance.
I currently shoot a BSA meteor Evo which shoots at 20 joules (14.7fpe) and I really fancy an upgrade...

Do you recommend I pick the higher power 14.7 fpe model or the UK equivalent non FAC 12 fpe model?
They are both the same price and the rifle being so expensive, I really want to make the best choice!

All advice and input is greatly appreciated

  • Question
Benjamin  Repair 342, worth it

Have a 342 picked some years ago and decided to look into repairing. Not holding air so likely would do a seal repair/replace. Question is the pump arm currently doesn’t stay closed. In other words it doesn’t rest inline with the stock. Will this resolve itself when the seals are replaced of is there another issue causing this?
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Reactions: .20calguy

  • Question
Huben  Huben K1 additional safety?

I'm interested in the Huben K1, but my biggest issue with that particular airgun is the weak safety feature. I saw on Reddit a post where somebody added a second safety by adding a bolt lock attachment to the magazine. reddit post here
The idea is that the bolt prevents the magazine from rotating when the trigger is pulled. I was thinking I could add a similar system, but I have no experience with hammerless airguns. Could a obstacle hindering the magazine from rotating, damage the airgun if the trigger is pulled? There is no nearer description of this feature in the post. As far as I understand adding a lock to the magazine would at least cost two shots from the magazine, right? (lock + chamber facing barrel)
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  • Question
HW/Weihrauch  Question for HW30 shooters (particularly if they also shoot an HW97)

I’ve had an HW30, for over a year and have been really enjoying it. Last week I swapped my Hawke Vantage 3-7x40 for a AIRMAX 4-12x40. I don’t personally know any other HW30 owners. My questions are 1) how accurate can I expect this little rifle be at 50 yards? I’ve just started shooting this distance at a range and I’ll try and attach what I consider a good 5 shot group at 50y. Second question, 2) I’ve just ordered an HW97 and a Hawke 6-24x50 AIRMAX IR, can I expect better accuracy at 50 yards with this fixed barrel springer? 3) I know each gun may have its pellet preference, are there any you recommend that are outstanding at 50 yards? Thanks for any comments from shooters with these specific rifles!



  • Question
HW/Weihrauch  WH30s Useful Range

I have a new WH 30s. I bought it mostly for plinking. I will do some but limited target shooing - not competition. What's the longest range this rifle is still accurate? I am aware that it is one of the lowest FPS at the muzzle of all WH Springers and I am good with that. Thanks! Oh yeah, using JSB Match Diabolo EXACT .177 cal, 7.33 grain.

  • Question
Stoeger  New to pcp, need help airing it up

Hey team, quick question. I got a stoger xm1 and am using a small 68cu 4500 psi tank with the air ventur coil. My issue is when I put the valve in and slowly turn on the tank, it's full, the guage does not move at all. I have tested and air is definitely going through the cpil.and pit the valve just not seeming to get in the gun or the guage is broken. It's brand new by the way. I shot it a few times last night as it had some air in it and the guage did go down

  • Question
FX  fx dreamline tactical rear adjustment knob question

Hello everyone I have a question regarding my fx dreamline tactical ... the second/rear adjustment knob on my gun doesn't seem to line up with the owners manual or the 8475748 youtube videos I watched. Every example I saw had min/max abcde/12345 on it. Mine has a bunch of numbers and I can't seem to find any information as to what those numbers correlate to. any help would be appreciated. pic attached for reference.


  • Question
Other  Pellet / New WH30s Question

Embarrassing Question: I received my nw HW30s yesterday - the first real air gun i have ever held. The only pellets I have are Crosman "Recreational POINTED .177 Cal / 7.4 grain. From recommendations on this forum I have a list of preferred pellets. No one sells these where I live so I placed an order from Pyramid Air but it will take a week to get them. Will it damage my rifle to use the pellets I have? Perhaps shooting 50 or so pellets a day while awaiting the "right" pellets that are on order. This really emphsizes that I know so little about air guns!
I also ordered a PatchWorm with extra patches and I will clean the barrel when that arrives
My new HW30s is a work of art. The workmanship is unbelievable!
THANKS, Tarheel

  • Question
FX  FX M4 800mm


Im new in this forum and I’ve heard positive things about the community so I give it a shot, pun intended. I just bought the gun and Ive been studying a lot from videos and forums, BUT still having open questions.
1. Is the 800mm rifling 1/16?
2. Anybody willing to help me getting quick setup for JSB Exact King .25 (25,39 grain) pellets?

Was thinking just to go basic setup with 4 lines, 3 and 8. Those circled values. Am I on right track?
My plan is just to zero the gun for 30 or 50 meters and to have decent grouping. Going to tune it later after I get radar to measure speeds. Going to range in 5h and have no time for more research so asking for community.

Thank a lot!

  • Question
Taipan  Taipan Veteran 2 standard for slugs?

Okay. Everyone and their cousin have heard nothing but praise about Taipan.
I have been drooling over Veteran 2 550mm in 22 or 25. I would say more over the 22 because there is said to be quite a long magazine. No need to waste air on a 25 or make excessive noise in order to sling something heavy in the future.

My question is, does anyone have data about shooting slugs?
I wouldn't expect miracles but maybe more than 50fpe.
I personally prefer faster slugs and the reasoning is expansion. My Experience is you need way more than 850 to open up. Maybe 950fps with 26gr would do just fine. That might be achieved from 550mm barrel without stressing the rifle too much.

I'm definitely not going down this road without someone encouraging me. Not anymore.

I would never get the tactical version. The all laminate traditional standard. Yes please!

  • Question
Other  Dieseling ?

New HW30s at UPS and being delivered today. (From Krale). I have read a lot here at Airgun Nation and I see "Dieseling" mentioned. Some say it's no problem and others say to clean the barrel before I shoot it the first time. If it occurs is it a puff of white smoke coming out of the muzzle as you shoot the rifle? Thanks .

  • Question
Help identify animal based on description please

Out taking out squirrels on one of my family properties, Northeast extreme of the metro Atlanta area, bird with similar colorings to bobwhite and brown thrasher... Please excuse my crude descriptor as this is the best way I can put it.... Imagine a bobwhite, whipoorwhill, turkey, and song sparrow had a gangbang and somehow all the DNA melded into a mutant child, 2/3rds the size of a chicken, looking like an obese sparrow, round like a quail, faster than all hell, and the strut and tail display of a tom turkey. Had 2, this species has to be a game bird... Any bells ringing as to what it may be. The bird app I have is birdlab from Cornell University. And for my zip code nothing matches. The closest are thrasher, woodcock, and ovenbird, but no, way bigger, didn't appear to be flighted

  • Question
FX carbon sleeve not tight?!

Im installing a carbon sleeve on the DRS. Its the same "setup" as on Panthera and other FX

Im doing it to eliminate POI and to stiffen the liner/barrel system.

But look here at the video
There is slack. The sleeve kan move from side to side inside the tube/barrel. Its not the liner that moves inside the sleeve (its a tight fit) - its the sleeve that moves inside the tube/barrel

Should I eliminate that and how do I do that?
