I've always preferred classic styled guns. Out of all my air rifles and powder burners I have only one rifle with a synthetic stock.
I've also noted the same trend in scopes. It's hard to find traditional styled scopes. Most today have the tactical look. I don't use illuminated dots or need a bunch extra stuff on the glass. I still do fine with just a plain old duplex.
I see the value in a synthetic stock, especially for a hard-use rifle or someone who lives in a very wet environment. But a composite stock can still be made to look good (McMillan and Manners do it all the time). A lot of what I’m seeing in the airgun world is just… awful. See the post from @AirNGasman above. Whatever that “…thing…” is in the second photo, I don’t want it!

As for optics, I tend to utilize a more “tactical” scope a lot of the time, because I know the utility of a mil-based reticle. HOWEVER, there are absolutely applications where I don’t need or want that, and a slim, light weight optic is the better choice. My love for Mannlicher/Stutzen type rifles taught me to enjoy simple, straight-tubed 1-4x or similar optics. Fast, light, handy, and they keep the same sleek lines if the rifle.
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