Huma extra high pressure Regulator Issues

I installed a new Huma extra high pressure regulator on my Impact mkII and it seems to take a long time to refill the plenum after a shot. It also takes a long time to settle at it's final regulating pressure. Also, if you increase the bottle pressure, say from 210 bar to 230 bar, the regulator will creep up with it a little, to some higher pressure than it originally settled at. I have polished both sides of the delrin puck and the brass screw. The o-rings look ok. Has anyone experienced any of these things with a Huma? I have installed at least 3-4 AMP regulators with no issues.
Contact huma they are very helpful with customer service I have a huma first reg on my mk2 and has been really good though it's not a high pressure reg I have had more reg creep on the amp regs than on my huma but after changing the derlin piston to brass problems were solved on them changed to brass pistons in a M3 that my friend was having trouble with and changed my mk2 impact amp reg to a brass piston also
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I have huma extra high reg. It refill pretty fast, like under 2 seconds. What reg pressure are you setting it to? Mine is 150 bar. I think if you set the reg too low it could be causing the slow refill. As for increasing bottle pressure, the reg pressure will creep past your set pressure. That is normal and nothing you can do about it. What I would do it take the reg apart. Clean and lube it lightly with silicone grease and put back together. Make sure you stacking the bevel washers in the correct way.
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I'm trying to regulate at 180 bar. Mine takes 5 times that long to fill. Hmmmmm.
Contacted Huma-Air and found out that there had been a revision on the number of Belleville washers that are installed for that regulator (1155). Mine came with nine and the instructions showed to use all nine. Huma-Air later revised that to 8 washers and I tried it and it now it works perfectly. I think they had switched to a thicker Belleville washer so only eight would fit to work correctly and I was trying to use nine per the old instructions that came with it using the thicker washers.
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Contacted Huma-Air and found out that there had been a revision on the number of Belleville washers that are installed for that regulator (1155). Mine came with nine and the instructions showed to use all nine. Huma-Air later revised that to 8 washers and I tried it and it now it works perfectly. I think they had switched to a thicker Belleville washer so only eight would fit to work correctly and I was trying to use nine per the old instructions that came with it using the thicker washers.

I was going to mention this, I used their reg on my MK2 build and it was AMAZING!! set at 185 bar, the rifle was powerful, and smooth. The reg definitely out performed the stock regulator.
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