Daystate Huntsman Regal XL Leaking Air. I Fixed It and Now I'm Happy. Pic Heavy

Hi ,my daystate huntsman classic 177 cal FAC has a fill probe leak.where to get the o ring kit for this fill probe help.i will have to import to India.
I take it you're referring to the front valve fill assembly with the male "Foster" style fill port. I never had a leak there before but recall some info from pass research. Here's a couple videos which should be helpful. If it's not the 2 o-rings around the front valve body assembly that need to be replaced, check the piston o-ring. Also check Airguns of Arizona (AOA) if they still have the Huntsman o-ring kits for sale and if they will ship to India.

Here's an old bookmark I had saved for Daystate o-ring sizes. HM is for Huntsman and RGL for Huntsman Regal.

1.Foster Fill Coupler O-ring: (AR, AW, MK4, HM, RGL)
  • -010 Buna-N A70

2. FAC Valve Stem O-rings: (AR, AW, MK4, HM, RGL)
  • -007 Buna-N A70

Are any of these two o rings refereed above the ones inside that fill port male probe?any idea?MH would mean i right?
There might be 3 sizes of o-rings which might be damaged. I would just get all three or better yet, just get the repair kit because they have the dowty seals.

It should be these 3 sizes...


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Corrected sizes as per daystate are now as under as per their email(this is the package i have):-







I am yet to open up the leaking fill port as the fill port o rings plus other orings are stuck in UK(Royalmail strike/cyberattack etc).but a local vendor shipping me the fill port piston o ring(006 URETHANE A 90)...wonder where these o rings fit(top list)--does the 111 size o ring fit in the fill probe piston?
Valve Housing Group Assembly ..the 2 orings shown in this photo(1 of which was bad)..are these size 117?anyone who can confirm

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I can only assume those are the correct sizes going off the old o-ring list I posted. O-rings are cheap. It doesn't hurt to pick up a few. Did you try getting a hold of AoA for an o-ring repair kit? You could also try another Daystate dealer in your area.
I can only assume those are the correct sizes going off the old o-ring list I posted. O-rings are cheap. It doesn't hurt to pick up a few. Did you try getting a hold of AoA for an o-ring repair kit? You could also try another Daystate dealer in your area.
got o rings from some dealers etc...also today only was finally able to remove the internal valve assy using a special tool which i had to get made...both visible in attached photos

in 1.jpg
the diameter is about 24 mm..the pins are seperated by 14 mm...these are dowel pins dia abt 4 mm...8 mm long when sticking the balance of the pin inserted inside this cylindrical head which was lathe machined to make holes for the pins..then i welded this head into a T shaped 14 mm wrench(meant for vehicles,,cheaply available)..the combo is what you see.the pins are detachable.last photo shows my kids modelling clay stuck on a small bamboo stick which was inserted to get the actual size and distance between the holes of this valve when it was seated inside the air tube..the slight scarring damage on the head of the valve in pic No 5 is done by one gunsmith who helped me reseal this pcp 11 years ago when it leaked..i just gave it to him and got it back..those days i had no patience or guts to do thsi left everything to that chap.he did it and the pcp was repaired but today when i disassembled it i could see the unprofessional damage...anyway its not so dangerous to impact air leakage in this pcp.the tool has to be rotated CCW fashion which will release tension on the O ring which u will feel when the valve assembly will become losse from a tight one.thets when you then remove the valve from the muzzle end.






WhatsApp Image 2023-01-26 at 10.42.01.jpg
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My pcp pressure gauge assembly got removed while stripping the gauge out...i had to seperate the gauge later.while reinserting this pressure gauge assembly into the pcp ..or base should i use teflon etc...or not(both gauge and assembly visible in the photo).i will obviously tighten the gauge over this assembly...have got a new dowty seal for that
