What springer did you shoot today?

After depressing at my 25-yard performance yesterday I moved back to 50-yards. The range was very busy today so... I spent most of my time talking and catching up. Good folks.

At 50-yards I resighted using AA 8.44 Field Diabolo (4.52) sorted to 8.5 grains. I shot one target for groups.

1st 5 shot group was a pretty good one. I shot a 0.36" group. One of the infrequent under 0.50" that show up.


I then got cocky and shot a 10-shot group of 1.95" for 10 or 1.18" for 8. It was all due to poor trigger control as you can see. Cocky got me for sure.

I then focused and did 10 shots in 0.87". The more typical for this rig.



Not stellar but operational. I can now try 25 yards again and get depressed.
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Getting closer to finishing off the re-engineering project of my Gun Toys RO72 spring pistol.
Trial fitted the recently reinforced grip this evening to check out the cocking clearances, so obviously needed to fire the thing a few times!
Once it has had the cosmetic work done and become the Italian beauty it should always have been, I will post some pictures. 😘

Right now it ain't pretty! 🫣
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Getting closer to finishing off the re-engineering project of my Gun Toys RO72 spring pistol.
Trial fitted the recently reinforced grip this evening to check out the cocking clearances, so obviously needed to fire the thing a few times!
Once it has had the cosmetic work done and become the Italian beauty it should always have been, I will post some pictures. 😘

Right now it ain't pretty! 🫣
I hear you. I tore up my property for 4 yrs. looked like a bomb went off. Till the end of the job when the jewellery goes on.
Have fun. Crow
You can get strips of that cheap on eBay

KWK I only wish. We’ll pay way more for products. $18. for shipping alone . Some are free, not these, they rape you here.
You drop you keys, you kick them downtown before you pick them up. Crow
This morning I had an opportunity to shoot my 97kt .25. View attachment 370656This gun is second to none. What a pleasure to shoot. So stinking accurate. I think this is going to be the one for fly and wasp hunting. Also shot the 48. Crow
Loves me some thumbholes. LMK when you get tired of it ;)
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Shot three today including my very new HW35E and my HW30S as well as my 1322 carbine. All in .22 caliber. Charles
Not familiar with the 1322 but the other two are gems. Crow
Loves me some thumbholes. LMK when you get tired of it ;)
I like them as well. Have three of this one. Hate to disappoint you. Crow
Yeah, but do you have a 97K LONG barrel?! Better get on the list! Stoking the fire LOL.
Yeah, but do you have a 97K LONG barrel?! Better get on the list! Stoking the fire LOL.
No all my 97’s are k models. The 77 .25 is k as well. But have 2-77’s long, .177 and .22, both keepers. Crow