What springer did you shoot today?

It was a poor day at the range for me. No reason that I can figure save I was not with it.

I was set up at 25 yards. Shot an Air Rifle 25 yard benchrest target. Had a poor 217 total. I shot an ARA unlimited style target. Did a poor 1610.

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Tomorrow will be better
Give me a F in the picture department today. But I did shoot a Daisy 220 at 15 yards.

*photo is right after rebuild a couple years ago.

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You have some of the coolest guns. Thanks for showing. Crow
I shot my AA TX200… think I broke it… see my post… I then shot my RWS54… not looking forward to the workout tomorrow shooting it on a BR match.
Workout from cocking it or lugging it around? Because that would probably be my #1 choice for BR springer. Good luck in the match.
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I got this beauty: Air Arm Prosport. I love this rifle.
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I have two Pro Sports. Not near the jewellery you have on yours. Nice looking gun, and a thumbhole. Thanks for sharing. Crow
Diana 34 and HW45. Kim shot her HW30. And a couple CO2 guns to boot. Turned on the lights and shot till after 9. Kim played kick the can for the first time. She loved it.

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Sweet setup. It’s already getting dark at 9 again, and the days getting shorter.
‘Cans are the best, I have a shortage. Crow
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I was at the gun shop in town yesterday, and they had one of these odd looking rifles in the used guns rack-


I'm familiar with Baikal firearms as well as the 46M pistol, But I'd never heard of an IZH 61. Looked brand new and it had the original box with the paperwork, half a dozen 5 round mags, and oddly enough, a spare mainspring. They were asking $50, so I figured what the heck, I'll buy it. Gave it a cleaning and lube, put 50 rounds of RWS 7g Hobby through it, and I'll be darned, it actually shoots pretty well. Has a decent trigger and sights, and the cocking effort might be 10 lbs if that. Judging by the sound of the clang on steel targets at 20yds, I'm guessing velocity is fairly low, in the 450-500 fps range. Length of pull is adjustable, but even extended to it's maximum, LOP is still a good 2.5" too short for me.

Anyway, I've since read a bit about the gun, but the one thing I didn't see covered in any review or article is why it comes with a spare mainspring. Anybody here know why this is? With it's apparent reliability, small size, and ease of cocking, I'm thinking of giving it to my grandson.
I was at the gun shop in town yesterday, and they had one of these odd looking rifles in the used guns rack-

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I'm familiar with Baikal firearms as well as the 46M pistol, But I'd never heard of an IZH 61. Looked brand new and it had the original box with the paperwork, half a dozen 5 round mags, and oddly enough, a spare mainspring. They were asking $50, so I figured what the heck, I'll buy it. Gave it a cleaning and lube, put 50 rounds of RWS 7g Hobby through it, and I'll be darned, it actually shoots pretty well. Has a decent trigger and sights, and the cocking effort might be 10 lbs if that. Judging by the sound of the clang on steel targets at 20yds, I'm guessing velocity is fairly low, in the 450-500 fps range. Length of pull is adjustable, but even extended to it's maximum, LOP is still a good 2.5" too short for me.

Anyway, I've since read a bit about the gun, but the one thing I didn't see covered in any review or article is why it comes with a spare mainspring. Anybody here know why this is? With it's apparent reliability, small size, and ease of cocking, I'm thinking of giving it to my grandson.
That’s a cool looking gun for $50. Crow
I have not been shooting today. Does pellet sorting cover my dues?

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Has to be time consuming, but worth it. Crow
Iron sights only today with these two. I shot them at 15 and 25 yrds sitting on my portable hunting stool.
HW95 .22 and Crosman Storm XT in .177.

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Not familiar with the Crosman. Shooting with irons sure is different. Crow
HW97 long barrel .177 and Diana 56T/H .177. You’d be hard pressed to find a better pair of bench springers. Their only drawback is if I don’t hit dead center I can’t blame the guns. Kim tore it up with her .22 HW50S today.

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That thumbhole is to die for. I came soo close to buying a th in .177 that I feel like I owned one and sold it. Awful feeling. Thanks for showing. Crow
took a brake from caning green beans had and enjoyable evening with the HW50S 177
Beans and 50’s, fine combination. Crow
Tx200 Miii .177 at 100 yards. 100-yards springer challenge.

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Very nice shooting again. Crow
Shot my HW98 .22
Thought I was dreaming, but it was real. This gun is amazing. Vortek spring equipped. One of my favorites. So easy to use.
Also a TX200 hunter again .22 cal. Accurate gun. Only problem is releasing the cocking arm from lock. I find it hard on finger tips. Like the push button on 77-97‘s gun.
These guns are flawless as far as build goes. Crow
why it comes with a spare mainspring. Anybody here know why this is?
Russia has restrictions on owning airguns over 3J, 7.5J and 25J, so russian shooters often change different springs on their rifles to avoid being arrested by the police. The second case is that Izh-60/61 rifles are often used to teach children to shoot, so there's large shotsand since spare parts for russian weapons are in short supply even in russia itself, the owners prefer to have a spare spring in case they need it. And in the standard kit there are no half-dozen magazines, only two or three.