I have been seeing raccoon’s in the early mornings around 6:30-7:00 heading back to their homes. I have been stalking them in my upstairs window to have an elevated view of my backyard and neighbors yard. Well this morning I managed to shoot both raccoons in the head and that did absolutely nothing! The shoots were about 30yds away center of head. I know I nailed the first one pretty good but it managed to scurry off. I waited a few minutes and I saw the one I just shot and it was unfazed and made it back to its sewer hole. A few minutes later I saw the other coon trying to get back home and I shot it also in the head and it ran off as well
WTF! The weapon of choice is a .22 m3 using hades at about 900 fps which is plenty to take out the coons. I think it’s time to ditch the 22 barrel for a 25 I didn’t like those coons running off not one bit!!