Dragon claw II

I am having trouble with my Dragonclaw II. I cannot seem to get it to shoot straight. I can always hit the target but never get it zeroed in. I have tried with Seneca round balls, hollow point, flat nose, and even the 330 grain flat nose slug! I have shot boxes of ammo trying my best. I always shoot my shot with the pressure the same for 4 shot groups. I'm just not having any luck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have a chrony to measure your FPS? Have ANY projectiles worked consistently accurate in the gun before? Not a lot of information from you to base an idea of how to help. Don't understand "I can always hit the target but never get it zeroed in". Do you mean hit the bullseye or just hit paper? Original owner or bought used? SO MANY questions!
I do not have a chrony to measure FPS. I have had the best results with the round balls. I can always hit the 12" target somewhere on the paper but never consistently. It will hit the same spot randomly on the paper sometimes!! I bought the gun new 2 months ago. I Am new to airgunning and really appreciate any advice received. I can answer any other questions you may have if you just let me what you need.
@JCarlin2778 How long have you had your Dragonclaw II? Did it come to you used or new? Do you have a borescope to inspect your barrel? How does the crown you barrel look? If you can post photos of these areas it may reveal something that someone may be able to help you identify as problematic. The chronograph suggestion is also another area to consider looking for inconsistencies. What type of scope are you using? Have you checked your scope mounts? Which type of scope mounts are you using? Are they loose? Who mounted the scope? Photos may be helpful.
@JCarlin2778 How long have you had your Dragonclaw II? Did it come to you used or new? Do you have a borescope to inspect your barrel? How does the crown you barrel look? If you can post photos of these areas it may reveal something that someone may be able to help you identify as problematic. The chronograph suggestion is also another area to consider looking for inconsistencies. What type of scope are you using? Have you checked your scope mounts? Which type of scope mounts are you using? Are they loose? Who mounted the scope? Photos may be helpful.
I bought my Dragon claw new about 3 months ago. I do not have a bore sight but will purchase one. I honestly am not sure what to crown is. I can def post photos. I am using the UTG bugbuster scope. I purchased the Twang and Bang combo from airgun depo that came with the scope, mounts and air bolts! The scope mounts are UTG as well. I have checked and they are tight. I mounted the scope myself. I will take some photos and post, thanks!
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If I get a bore sight what would I look for in the Barrel that may not be right?
You would want a bore scope. I bought one of these.

Teslong Rifle Borescope, Bore Camera Gun Cleaning Camera - Fits .20 Caliber & Larger-Hunting Shooting Firearms Visual Barrel Inspecti... https://a.co/d/62Cn5lS

You’d look to see if there are rough spots, machining marks, or inconsistencies in the rifling. I use a Patchworm Kit to clean my .357. Not sure what you would use on a large .45 or .50 air rifle.