Set a new world record today 306 … and shattered that record again 451 and AGAIN ... 540!

@reiffra945 and I made a trip to the dairy today. We bagged 224 flying rats and just fell shy of breaking the 10,000 bird total at 9975. Sorry @JungleShooter.

You are still my HEROS!!

Thanks for ridding Earth of those pests. 🤝🏼

I wish you a good start in the new pesting year.
Three 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Matthias 😊
@reiffra945 and I made a trip to the dairy this week. It was cold and we whimped out after about an hour in the breezy frozen barns but eliminated 86 winged rats before we cried uncle. The barns were loaded with 100s of flying pests. Look at the droppings on the backs of the cows. It’s sad the conditions these animals endure.

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Thanks @JungleShooter and @Deadeye Dick . We are planning our next trip Monday and hope to break 10,000 total! We had hoped to break that number in December but the conditions were not favorable. I got some new insulated boots and re-chargeable hand warmers so we will see if that allows me to stay out a bit longer in the cold conditions?
I use silk/polyester base layers with wool long johns over that. Look into some surplus fleece layers and windproof outerlayer. Wool socks and glove liners help also. One thing I hate is being cold and have started to figure out what works and what doesn't to help you stay out longer.
Our body’s stay warm. The cold concrete is brutal as it sucks the heat out of our feet. The wind is equally bad as it freezes our gloved hands. Yes we use hand warmers but sometimes they just aren’t enough.