I can just imagine your obituary: 
"Two selfless helpers killed in the line of duty. Suffering from the brutal cold they nevertheless came out almost every weekend to help a cow farmer by liberating hundreds of cows from over 10.000 of flying rats that rained excrements on them day and night." 🕇
I can also see your headline (in a California news outlet)
Ruthless Animal Killers Got Their Just Deserts!
For years the suspects S. F. and I. F. have evaded justice for killing literally
10.000 innocent and defenseless little birds.
Every weekend so it seems, they went on a killing spree, armed to their teeth with assault airrifles and other killing machinery. The police discovered metal containers filled with many thousand(!) rounds of deadly ammunition, as if the suspects were prepped to go off to war!
This killing for entertainment had finally an end this past Saturday, as the suspects met their timely demise during an accident involving farm equipment.
The surviving family members fled both of our camera teams. Finally we were able to corner the wife of S. F. We asked her
how it felt having been married to a person who kills for entertainment. However, she refused comment.
The local animal rights association came in full force to witness this act of Karma. As of today their corps of lawers have already pressed charges against the families, who are considered accomplices to this crime against animality.
We were able to talk to the owner of the farm, who seemed to have known the suspects well. We asked him if he had any children, and
for how long he has been operating a cow concentration camp.
Our reporter, Phil Snowflake, then asked:
"What have these poor birds done to you that you would want them to be killed?" Instead of answering the question, the farmer started up to his giant tractor, and as he approached with squealing tires, our news crew thought it better to leave the premises.
The ammunition used in the killings contained LEAD, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. ■
God forbid any of the above ever happens!
But we should all take a quiet minute and face the following question:
How can I make this world a better place and
contribute to world peace... ...by eliminating pests?