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Match Report- Oregon State AAFTA FT Grand Prix July 19th-21st 2024

In order to avoid a conflict with the just announced Utah Air Guns RMAC on our same date. We decide to move our match up and add a couple days of Extreme FT and EBR and speed silhouette on July 3rd, and 4th. Ashland is known for its famous 4th of July parade and crafts fair, so bring the family and shoot some AAFTA Ft and Extreme warm up games for the larger Utah match on our old date of July 19th to the 23th.

New announcement:

Oregon State 2024 & AAFTA Grand Prix​

Air Rifle & Pistol Field Target Championships​

4268 Hwy 99 South, Ashland, Oregon​

Pistol Friday July 5th Rifle July 6th & Sunday 7th

All AAFTA Rifle & Pistol rules and classes apply. See at www.aafta.org The “Western Free Style” class will also be allowed. In any matters arising and not covered by these rules, the Match Director’s decision will be final. Match Fees $85

We will have some prizes this year in the form of gift certificates to our new air gun and pellet/slugs store.

Emigrant Lake campground is close by and has tent and full hookup site available, with flush toilets and hot shower available onsite. Match site link, you can expand to see Emigrant Lake & the campground site. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Oak+Haven+B&B/@42.1489461,-122.6444869,805m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x54cf0d25dd7b0885:0x8bb3cc3e53200f6e!8m2!3d42.1489461!4d-122.6422982

Practice begins on the sight in line for registered competitors, on Friday between 7am and 7pm. Equipment inspection and FPE testing will be done before you get to sight in and during the matches at testing lanes.

NO lasers or separate range finding devices are allowed, (except for the “Western Free Style” class/squads), and anyone seen with a range finder on the course at any time before or during any of the pistol or rifle matches will be disqualified.


Safety Meeting will be at 2:45pm on Friday afternoon. Match starts at 3:00Pm. This will be a 40 shot course, 10 lanes, 2 targets per lane, with two shots per target. Targets will be set from 10 to 35 yards and kill zones will be from ½” to 2”. Timers will be given with the score cards. Competitors are allowed 5 minutes to make 4 shots. One lane will be standing only. Note that this course is also open to “Basic Break Barrel rifles”, (if 3 shooters preregister), with 12 X or less scopes.


Competitors can start sight in practice for the Rifle Field Target match at 7am. Safety Meeting begins at 9:45am. The match starts at 9:00am. This will be a 50 shot course, with 25 lanes, 2 targets per lane, with ONE shot per target. Timers will be given with the score cards. Competitors will be allowed 3 minutes; to set up, make their 2 shots. Time starts when you enter the shooters box. TWO lanes will be standing and one will be kneeling.

SATURDAY FREE LUNCH STARTS after you finish the course

Bring your favorite low power offhand rig for the afternoon and evening side shoots.


We will move the min. targets necessary to meet AAFTA GP rules for day two. Safety Meeting begins at 9:45am. The match starts at 8:30am. This will be a 50 shot course, with 25 lanes, 2 targets per lane, with ONE shot per target. Timers will be given with the score cards. Competitors will be allowed 3 minutes; to set up, make their 2 shots. Time starts when you enter the shooters box. TWO lanes will be standing and one will be kneeling.

SUNDAY FREE LUNCH STARTS as you finish the course. AWARD PRESENTATIONS will follow. Hopefully awards will be done by 1:30 or so for those who might need a quick exit for travel.

Wayne Burns

Match Director,

2024 Oregon St. AAFTA Grand Prix Field Target Championships


Online Registration forms: airgunoregon.com
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Howdy Hey Oregon State Championship competitors!

We'll have some new stuff for you this year.. all good!
New target layout and new lanes.
New shade over ALL the shooting platforms.
A new 16x14' deck with benches all around with a misting system and shade cloth to keep you all cool and happy before and after the match. I'm also closing in the sides with mosquito netting to help with the cooling and keep the campers from getting bit in the evenings.

Hope you can make it. I have room for a few last minute deciders too, so drop me a line if you are still interested. The weather is cooling down to the mid 90s from the 110 we had last week so not so bad with the humidity only in the teens and 20s, so it doesn't feel that hot, especially in the shade I've set up.
So come on down... or up as it may be:)

Match Report 2024 Oregon State AAFTA Grand Prix July 19-21st

By Match Director Wayne Burns for Air Gun Oregon

First off, I want to thank the 24 competitors traveled from NV, WA, CA and Oregon. We really appreciate how difficult traveling can be these days. Thank you for making the effort.

We had low 20- 30% humidity, 98 degrees on Sat. and a really nice 88 on Sunday with clear skies and switching winds 3-9 mph that began about 10am each day. Some wind factors were used for the Troyer rating.

My buddy and shooting partner, Randy focused on changing our 17 lane 3 targets per lane course into two 30 target courses for a 120 match total. And I focused on building a 16’x14’ outdoor room for competitors to cool off and visit in the evenings away from the mosquitos. I also bought and setup umbrellas and canopies to make shade on all the shooting platforms that didn’t already have tree shade along our little creek and canyon we shoot into and across.

We started the Friday Pistol & Basic Break Barrel match about 3pm. 13 competed in the Pistol match, 3 in the Limited class, and 10 shot in the Hunter class. 1 shot the Basic Break Barrel match for fun. The Pistol course had 30 targets with 2 shots each for a 60 shot match. It had a 37.92 Troyer when wind factor was applied and a Standard Dev of 5.21. The average distance was 23.7 and Kill Zone of 1.125”. Six of the 60 shots were offhand.

In Friday’s Pistol Match, I shot a 55/60 in Hunter PCP Pistol for first place using my custom LD built USFT pistol with a Athlon Heras 4-20x50 scope and 10.34 AA at 705 fps, Randy Ebersole shot a 49/60 for 2nd using another custom LD USFT pistol, Athlon Heras 4-20x50 scope and 10.34 @ 695fps. Scott Schneider shot a 47/60 for 3rd with his latest custom build & Viper scope, and 10.34 at 710fps. Scott sold his last years second place custom pistol to buddy Sam Russo who used it to shoot a 46/55 for 4th place. In the Basic Break Barrel Class, Jason Blackburn shot a great 41/60 with his HW95 and Hawke 4-12x50.

The Limited Pistol class was won by Cameron Kerndt with an overall high pistol score of 56/60 shooting his new RAW HM1000 micro with a Falcon x50 and 10.34 @ 704fps and Scott Hull was second with a 53/60 with his custom marauder pistol, Athlon Heras scope and FX 10.34 @ 720fps and Mark Weidert used a FX Dream line with a Vector Veyron 6-24x44 and took 3rd with a 44/60.

Saturdays’ Rifle course had 15 lanes with 30 targets that we shot twice for a 60 shot match. 12 or 40% were passed 40 yards with an average kill zone of 1 -1/8”. The average distance was 31.8 yards. The standard Deviation was 6.96. The Troyer without wind, elevations or shade was 33.66 and with those factors added it became a 38.01 Troyer.

Jim Whittlesey shot the high score of the day at 56/60 and led in Open PCP class. Chris Krettecos had the second high score and led the Hunter PCP class with a 54/60, Chris Merritt was next high and second in Open with a 53, then another Hunter Class competitor, Tim Robinson with a 51/60.

In WFTF PCP class Jason Blackburn led with a 47/60, I shot a 46, Randy Ebersole 43, Mark Weidert a 41, Joe Hayward also 41, and Pat Callihan a 37.

Cameron Kerndt and Son Lu were tied with a 44/60 in WFTF Piston class with David D’Agostino right behind them with a 43, and Jim Poh with a 30, and Dan House with a 13.

Sunday morning it was much cooler and we decided to get started at 9am so folks could get on their way home a little earlier.

Sundays’ Rifle course had 15 lanes with 30 targets that we shot twice for a 60 shot match. 18 or 60% were passed 40 yards with an average kill zone of 1 -1/4”. The average distance was 37.4 yards. The standard Deviation was 5.97. The Troyer without wind, elevations or shade was 33.18 and with those factors added it became a 38.44 Troyer.

Day Two the high score of 52/60 was shot by Chris Krettecos for the Overall High Score of 106/120 and 1st place in Hunter class. Three other Hunter class competitors had second high score on day two with a 51/60. They were Scott Schneider who tied for second in Hunter with Timothy Robinson, (Tim won the shoot off), Scott Hull, who jumped into 5th place, and our new club mate, Bill Galloway shooting his first match, who moved into 4th place in Hunter Class!

In Open Class, Jim Whittlesey shot a 48/60 to hold on to first place with a 104/120 and Chris Merritt a 45 for 98/120 to grab 2nd.

In WFTF Piston Class, Cameron Kerndt broke his tie with Son Lu to post a 49/60 for First Place. Son Lu took second with a 47/60 on day two, and David D’Agostino finished 3r in WFTF Piston class.

WFTF PCP was closely contested. Randy Ebersole and Mark Weidert shot the high WFTF PCP score day two with a 45/60 to secure 2nd and 4th respectively. Jason Blackburn and I had a great match on Sunday going back and forth, adding to or depleting his one point lead from day one. But in the end I managed to move into first with a 44/60. And Jason slipped to 3rd.

My wife Christine and sister Laurie served up a great pulled pork meal on Saturday and lasagna and salad on Sunday. We ate and gave out the awards in the new outdoor pavilion, conversed about shots made and missed and how fun & challenging the courses were for a while, and then folks started their journey home.

Air Gun Oregon provided awards and $100 gift certificates at our new store https://airgunoregon.shop/ for the 1st place winners. Please support our great sponsors listed below

Athlon Optics Falcon Optics Skout Air guns Air Guns of Arizona

I really want to thank Randy Ebersole for his huge contribution of labor. He started months ago working on the courses, and getting targets ready. And our new club mate Bill Galloway helped Randy get the courses ready. My loving wife of 53 years worked her butt off too feeding us all, and sister Laurie helped her serve and clean up the meals.

Thanks to everyone for attending, sharing your friendship, and making the event a success.


Wayne Burns

Match Director

2024 Oregon State & AAFTA Grand Prix Championships
Equipment list and scores

2024 Oregon State Field Target Championships
% of possibleDay 1 /60Day 2 /60TL /120CompetitorClassAir RifleScopePellet speed
86.7%5648104Jim WhittleseyOpen PCPThomas FT Carbine # 224Sightron 10-50x60jsb 13.4 @815
81.7%534598Chris MerrittOpen PCPUSFT #27Nikko 10-50x60AA 10.34 @ 890
-Open PCPCustom Korick EV2BSA 10-50 x6010.5 Premiers @ 865fps
-Open PCPDaystate CRXBSA 10-50 x6010.5 Premiers @ 865fps
% of possibleDay 1 /60Day 2 /60TL /120CompetitorClassAir RifleScopePellet speed
88.3%5452106Chris KrettecosHunter PCPStyer LG 110 .20 calAthlon Argos 6 - 24 x 50jsb 13.7 @800
81.7%514798Timothy RobinsonHunter PCPStyer ChallengeElement Titan 3-18x56JSB 10.34@ 870
81.7%475198Scott SchneiderHunter PCPTM 1000 custom .20 calAthlon Heras 6-24x50jsb 13.7 @800
78.3%435194Bill GallowayHunter PCPDaystate Red WolfAthlon Heras 15-60x56AA 10.34 @ 900
74.2%385189Scott HullHunter PCPDiana Skyhawk P15Athlon Helos Gen 1 APLR2JSB 10.34@930fps
65.8%364379John KnappHunter PCPStyer LG 110 .20 calHawke 8-32x56jsb 13.7 @797
64.2%324577Kevin HirschHunter PCPFX DreamlineHawke Frontier 2.5-15x50FX 10.34@917fps
57.5%383169Ron CottonHunter PCPAiracuda MaxArken SH4 Gen2 4-16x50JSB 8.4 @ 860
52.5%323163Sam RussoHunter PCPMFRAthlon Heras 6-24x56AA 10.34 @ 900
45.8%302555Paul BurdeauxHunter PCPJTS Airacuda MaxAthlon Heras 6-24x56AA 10.34 @ 900
31.7%102838Jeffery CollierHunter PCPAir Arms S500Vortex 2-9x32AA 10.34 @ 870fps
% of possibleDay 1 /60Day 2 /60TL /120CompetitorClassAir RifleScopePellet speed
GP Score
75.0%464490Wayne BurnsWFTF PCPLD USFT custom # 101Athlon Heras 15-60x56AA 10.34@714
73.3%434588Randy EbersoleWFTF PCPLD USFT custom # 1Athlon Heras 15-60x56AA 10.34@697
72.5%474087Jason BlackburnWFTF PCPDaystate MK4Athlon Heras 15-60x56AA 10.34@715
71.7%414586Mark WeidertWFTF PCPFX DreamlineFalcon X50 10-50x60JSB 10.34@713
65.0%413778Joe HaywardWFTF PCPRaw TM 1000March 8-80x60AA 10.34@715
54.2%372865Pat CallahanWFTF PCPStyer LG 100Sightron 10-50x60AA 8.44 @ 780
% of possibleDay 1 /60Day 2 /60TL /120CompetitorClassAir RifleScopePellet speed
77.5%444993Cameron KerndtWFTF PistonTX 200 HCDelta Stryker 5- 50x56JSB 7.87 @ 812
75.8%444791Son LuOpen PistonTX200Sightron 10-50x60JSB 8.34 @780
60.8%433073David D'AgostinoWFTF PistonTX200Falcon X50 10-50x60JSB 8.34 @780
45.8%302555Jim PohWFTF PistonTX200Falcon X50 10-50x60JSB 7.87 @ 794
31.7%132538Dan HouseOpen PistonTX200Hawke 6-24x507.5 Premier @ 890fps
% of possible/6060 shots possibleOregon St. & AAFTA Grand Prix Pistol Match Results
91.7%55Wayne BurnsHunter PCPLD USFT Pistol # 1Athlon Heras 4-20x50AA 10.34 @ 710
81.7%49Randy EbersoleHunter PCPLD USFT Pistol # 3Athlon Heras 4-20x50JSB 10.34 @ 695
78.3%47Scott SchneiderHunter PCPCustom ConversionVortex 6-24x50AA 10.34 @ 700
76.7%46Sam RussoHunter PCPBSA Scorpion CustomHawke 3-12x50JSB 10.34 @ 690
75.0%45Chris KrettecosHunter PCPCrosman 1720TUTG 3-12x44JSB 10.34 @ 711
68.3%41John KnappHunter PCPCrosman 1720THawke 3-12x50JSB 10.34 @ 714
66.7%40Joe HaywardHunter PCPCrosman 1720TUTG 3-12x44JSB 10.34 @ 710
58.3%35Tim RobinisonHunter PCPRaw TM 1000Element TitanJSB 8.44 @ 760
35.0%21Kevin HirshHunter PCPArtemis PP 770SAVortex 2-7JSB 18.13 @ 550
21.7%13David D'AgostinoHunter PCPCrosman 1720TUTG 3-12x44JSB 8.44 @ 790
GP Score60
93.3%56Cameron KerndtUnlimitedRAW HW1000 MiniHawke 3-12x44JSB 10.34 @ 715
88.3%53Scott HullUnlimitedBenjamin MarauderUTG 3-12x44AA 10.34 @ 720
73.3%44Mark WeidertUnlimitedFX DreamlineVector Veyron 6-24x44JSB 10.34 @ 715
Basic Break Barrel Rifle
68.3%41Jason BlackburnBBBHW95Hawke 4-12x44JSB 8.44 @ 680
THANK YOU Wayne, Randy, Christine and Laurie for all your hard work and for feeding us, and Bill G. for pitching in! It was a great time and the course was a lot of fun. The addition of umbrellas and shade canopies along the course this year made for very comfortable competition and were much appreciated. You all ROCK!
Your so welcome. The hard work and investments are all totally worth it when competitors attend and enjoy the match!