Having all four models of the Impact (MK1, MK2, M3, & M4) here's my .02cents The MK2 is really the "Best All Round" of the four versions depending on your "Purpose" for owning an Impact.
If you're wanting an "All Purpose" platform it's hard to beat the reliability and accuracy of the MK2. Especially if you do a few upgrades like the Power Block and 720 Plenum you've got a winner.
My #2 would be the new M4. FX went back and fixed all the things that were wrong with the M3 and improved the ergonomics of the gun. Although it's Brand New and largely unproven yet I'm
very happy with it. My #3 would be the original MK1. It's a great entry platform to the Impact line, solid and reliable. Again small upgrades to the MK1 make a big difference and it makes a great
Compact Hunter in any caliber. My least favorite is the M3 simply because it has flaws in the design that cause more leaks than any other impact. It wasn't an accident that FX got rid of the first
regulator and gauge when they launched the M4. Features: Yes the "Quick Tune" system is a very nice feature on the M3 & M4. But you soon learn that the key to a great shooting gun is once it's
correctly tuned and setup, DON'T MESS WITH IT!

Also the ambidextrous cocking handle with a shorter throw is a nice improvement over the older Impacts, but it's not a game changer.
Finally, the ergonomic improvements to the new M4 are worth every penny. FX Really Listened to the feedback from earlier Impact owners and it shows in the final product. My favorite new
feature is the improved Dovetail Top Rail system. Never again will you complain that you need a longer or shorter rail for your optic. It's adjustable forward and back and opens the door for
endless adjust ability. So, M3 or M4.. M4 is the clear winner!