User error? End user changed something? All end user did was pay good money for a brand new gun, only to find out that after a few shots the flimsy little plastic wagon wheel spacers that center the noodle (also known as a liner, but never called a barrrel, because that it is not) in the shroud get blown back towards the breech; this is what causes the poi shifts. User then has to read hundreds of posts about this issue & user then has to fiddle with bits of duct tape to hold these little pieces of junk in place around the noodle. If end user doesn't want to fiddle he can send the gun to UA & they can super glue them in place because they have no other fix. In their own words:I don't think it's a defect if the end user changed something and it effected poi. I've got a dt compact 25 shooting 43 ft lbs. Took the shroud off to inspect, C-A the end cap on so it won't unscrew with the moderator and bump the barrel willy nilly. It's still shooting same hole..... Like bore diameter after 4 days of travel and hunting. No offense intended but it's best to look for user error first ime with fx. The gear is good, user fiddling is what has caused my inconsistencies without fail on my impact or my dreamtac.
"We understand where you are coming from and how frustrating it is. We have talked to FX about this before at length,"
So yeah, nothing to do with the end user, the liner design does not work, period.
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