My bipod arrived today. Magpul MOE Bipod.

Nice uncrushed box, and on unboxing it was brand new. Good reviews. One review did pop up that said it "ruins some guns." The picture of gun in question, and the bit "ruined" was a plastic/ABS/PVC shroud over the pivot mount that was distorted by the tensioner. It does look nice on the M357, and I am definitely wanting to give it an open mind try! For the record, didn't
ruin the M357.
(Sorry for the mediocre photos. Pictures were quick and dirty with a 50mm prime lens and bad light, couldn't get much more in the frame with the space I had.)
Bandito, I hope I was able to explain my thinking/philosophy on the optics! That "words matter" that's something we're drilled with when in instructor classes - it was meant for me, as in my words matter and I need to be more cognizant of which ones I choose, and how I apply them. I get really wordy, trying to over explain and not offend, then I trim it back and leave enough that I am ambiguous. I shouldn't have used the word "cheap" probably, to describe that scope. "Inexpensive and expecting quality on par with price, but hoping for better" is how I SHOULD have expressed it. Knowing how optics work, and what I'll be using it for, I've set that lower expectation. I'll be OK if it's on that low end and I won't be disappointed. Of course, if I read all the reviews and expect a top-of-the-line optic, I know I will definitely wind up a sad gunner. Thank you, be well as well!