Tuxing V Twin 042

Yeah, it's definitely NOT a "portable" compressor. I had a TXED 032 for a while. Really loved how fast my tanks would fill. It came to me heavily modded by previous owners with built in water supply supply & radiator type cooling. 7 years old (or older) when I got it & lasted about 8 months. Had I the $ I probably would have gotten another but I'm perfectly happy with my newer Yong Heng.
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Oooo what did I buy?
Fedex delivery next Monday of a txedm042 2 cylinder compressor
just noticed the shipping weight 77lbs
I knew it was bigger than my Gx cs4i but damn…
I got the so called portable one it looks like the same one with no frame , double filters , or auto shut off .
How you doing.
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Good Steve, thanks
last night started work on my self contained cooling on my 042
got a radiator, and a 12 inch kitchen vent fan from amzon. Waiting on
a 10 liter water container from Aliexpress. Rigged the fan and radiator
with zip ties. I’m adding another smaller radiator to separate the hose
between the high and low pressure cylinders . Want to get rid of the
5 gallon bucket of water. Tuxing and others who add cooling use small
computer fans but I used them on my Gx cs4i and they didn’t push much
air, hence the larger fan plus it’s 120 volts.
I thought about doing that but ended up buying a piano dolly at Harbor Freight and putting the compressor and bucket on it. I had a generator cover laying around that covers it perfectly. I just roll it under the bench in my shop and when I need it I roll it out and uncover it. So far, in topping off my 45 minute SCBA, it only gets to 140F so I don’t see the need for the extra expense. Good luck with your project though, let us know how it turns out.
I thought about doing that but ended up buying a piano dolly at Harbor Freight and putting the compressor and bucket on it. I had a generator cover laying around that covers it perfectly. I just roll it under the bench in my shop and when I need it I roll it out and uncover it. So far, in topping off my 45 minute SCBA, it only gets to 140F so I don’t see the need for the extra expense. Good luck with your project though, let us know how it turns out.
Haaa ! So did I. I got them on dollies though. Plus my water was getting nasty pretty quick. I’m gonna use car antifreeze when all done. Aluminum safe of course. I put a thermometer in the 5 gallons and was surprised how warm it got .
it was in the 90s . I don’t remember the time frame, not that long.
Good Steve, thanks
last night started work on my self contained cooling on my 042
got a radiator, and a 12 inch kitchen vent fan from amzon. Waiting on
a 10 liter water container from Aliexpress. Rigged the fan and radiator
with zip ties. I’m adding another smaller radiator to separate the hose
between the high and low pressure cylinders . Want to get rid of the
5 gallon bucket of water. Tuxing and others who add cooling use small
computer fans but I used them on my Gx cs4i and they didn’t push much
air, hence the larger fan plus it’s 120 volts.
Send me pics of this when you can
Haaa ! So did I. I got them on dollies though. Plus my water was getting nasty pretty quick. I’m gonna use car antifreeze when all done. Aluminum safe of course. I put a thermometer in the 5 gallons and was surprised how warm it got .
it was in the 90s . I don’t remember the time frame, not that long.
Use 1/2 cup of baking soda in 5 gal of water to prevent algae. Water wetter is better than antifreeze unless there is a chance of freezing temperatures.
2 years semi sealed and no sign of slime yet.
My zip tie cooling project is operating.
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What is the temp it's running at continuously now. And does the antifreeze make a difference I mean did you ever try water? The SCCA looks real good. Oh Self Contained Cooling Apparatus.
Going from around 3200 psi to 4500 head temp got to 118f and water to 80f.
Thats with 2 gallons of water vs the almost 5 gallon bucket. That water got to high 90s.
Theres only about a pint of computer coolant mixed in with distilled water. When I first
used the twin I as surprised how warm 5 gallons of water could get in less than a half hour.
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Yeah, it's definitely NOT a "portable" compressor. I had a TXED 032 for a while. Really loved how fast my tanks would fill. It came to me heavily modded by previous owners with built in water supply supply & radiator type cooling. 7 years old (or older) when I got it & lasted about 8 months. Had I the $ I probably would have gotten another but I'm perfectly happy with my newer Yong Heng.
I have 2 Tuxings, my 1st one was a txed012 and it ran so well I bought a 2nd Tuxing but a txedt032 that failed with in 3 months. It threw a rod, the company wouldn't replace even after they had me video what it was doing and Amazone did nothing about it. The problem that most of us are in is, middle ground compressors that are reliable. I replaced the 032 with another 012. my 1st one i did a rebuild kit after 4 years and the 2nd one is going on 2 years both running trouble free but, you have to keep temps down, fill 5gal cooler 1/2 with water and 1/4 with ice and i use a good oil for this type of compressor. i just fill 6.8-liter tanks. Oh, and i also use an Arctic air to keep the oil in the crank case cooler. Heat is the killer.


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I have 2 Tuxings, my 1st one was a txed012 and it ran so well I bought a 2nd Tuxing but a txedt032 that failed with in 3 months. It threw a rod, the company wouldn't replace even after they had me video what it was doing and Amazone did nothing about it. The problem that most of us are in is, middle ground compressors that are reliable. I replaced the 032 with another 012. my 1st one i did a rebuild kit after 4 years and the 2nd one is going on 2 years both running trouble free but, you have to keep temps down, fill 5gal cooler 1/2 with water and 1/4 with ice and i use a good oil for this type of compressor. i just fill 6.8-liter tanks. Oh, and i also use an Arctic air to keep the oil in the crank case cooler. Heat is the killer.

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I have 2 Tuxings, my 1st one was a txed012 and it ran so well I bought a 2nd Tuxing but a txedt032 that failed with in 3 months. It threw a rod, the company wouldn't replace even after they had me video what it was doing and Amazone did nothing about it. The problem that most of us are in is, middle ground compressors that are reliable. I replaced the 032 with another 012. my 1st one i did a rebuild kit after 4 years and the 2nd one is going on 2 years both running trouble free but, you have to keep temps down, fill 5gal cooler 1/2 with water and 1/4 with ice and i use a good oil for this type of compressor. i just fill 6.8-liter tanks. Oh, and i also use an Arctic air to keep the oil in the crank case cooler. Heat is the killer.

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What is an Artic Air.
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