Central Pa Airguns, matches have been changed to the 3rd Thursday of the month starting at 7 pm. Doors open at 6 pm for the match. Some changes, 2 cards at 20 meters. 1 card of animals, plus 1 card on the AR22 target scored 1 point for touching the center dot, zero for not touching it. The 2 cards scores combined for your total. .177 spring guns only. When I make up a new poster I will upload it here. Still at Douple Tap Indoor Range in Altoon, Pa 16601. 15.00 entry with cash paybacks. What we call the Olympic Springers such as D 75, FWB 300 or 600, Annie....they shoot in their own class. You can enter both classes but you can't shoot the same rifle in both classes. If you shoot only one gun you may enter a higher class if you wish. Front rest, rear bags, or center rest ok. No long 1 piece such as Lead Sled. Rest may not capture the rifle. Any questions you may ask here or pm me.