What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

Got my very first hubble telescope (vector 8-32x50) by courtesy of @Scotay42 it's longer than my arken 4-16x50 with the sunshade on.


In Europe they have been available maybe a month or so. And only in few places. All the big vendors (Krale, Huma, Balistas, Mundilar Airguns, etc.) do not have them.
But ask Predator Pellet, maybe they know when these are coming to USA.

If that is the case then I expect them here by june
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Reximex Throne 2/Meta Premium are on my short list of "Guns I Want"
The meta reminds me a little too much of the lcs platform. The only video I had seen prior of the throne, was the gen two compact and I wasn't really sold on it. But 80+ shots at 36fpe from a small but hefty bullpup with a 1:16 twist barrel and for well under $1k I couldn't help myself.
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