Beeman Does anybody NOT not like .22 HW barrels?

Had many HW rifles .22 and all were Great & Never pellet fussy ! Even Great accuracy with Crosman HP pellets !

That's been my experience. The barrels are great. It's the springs and guides that suck.

A .177 might be more inherently accurate. I have very little experience with .177. All I can say is mine shoots Crosmans pretty good (2 MOA) and H&N, JSB etc. really good (1MOA) at 25 yds. The Crosmans group almost as well if you ignore the flyers.

I'm sure there are some inaccurate HW barrels out there. Most may be in .22. Mine are as accurate as I need them to be. They are not much more accurate than my Cometa 400 though. The actual difference in accuracy might be 1/4" at 25 yards over a 30 shot string.

That may seem like a lot to a target shooter but it means very little to me. They both will hit a shotgun shell every time out to 60 yards with Crosmans or H&N. A lot farther if you can stand a miss once in a while.
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I easily have over a dozen .22 cal Weihrauch rifle’s. Long story. I can’t say I have a problem with any as far as accuracy. I use JSB’s mostly 14.44’s, 15.89’s, 13.34’s and Hades. If I have a problem I switch grains, problem solved. Love the Hades. Crow
Hey Dave,
You have many Weihrauch rifles in all calibers and shoot a lot 🚀.
From your shooting experience, (marginally speaking), how would you rate each caliber in terms of accuracy?

PS: All my .177’s display good accuracy, but one of my .20 cals. is the best of the best.
I've always heard that the .20 was super accurate. Just like the .22 was not.

I figure it's more about the individual barrel rather than any one caliber. I suppose all calibers have their slight advantages and disadvantages but the barrel and the projectile are 99% of any accuracy equation. One caliber probably offers little accuracy advantage over another if all other factors are equal.

At least that's my hunch.
… Well I know I‘ve got an inherent bias towards .177, because I don’t need a larger caliber and likely spent more time investigating feedback on .177 caliber pellets. Wanting to know which ones shot best in Weihrauch guns. Hence, I bought about 10 different tins for testing.
I quickly determined that boxed CPL, AA 7.87 and AA 7.33 shot best in HW95’s, HW50S’s and HW30S’s respectively.

When I tested (5) .22 cal. barrels, I used about 3 or 4 pellets which came highly recommended, but none came close to what I tried via .177 caliber.

My HW80s in .22 was even worse - I tried H&N FTT’s in all head sizes, H&N Baracudas, Boxed CP, JSB 14.3 and 15.89 —- lastly RWS Superdomes and Meisterkuglens. No Luck 😵‍💫.

Was going to sell the gun before buying a .20 barrel. After installing it - the gun became my STANDARD for accuracy …. Even at 19 FPE with a harsh shot cycle.

Bottom line, I didn’t go to the end of world trying to find different pellets for my .22 cal. barrels, but was not impressed enough or didn’t need the additional firepower to warrant more of my time✌️.
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I've always heard that the .20 was super accurate.
I have R1's in .177, .20 and .22 and HW97's in .20 and .177. Both .20's outshoot the other calibers in their respective models when I pay attention to what I am doing. I like the caliber for all the same reasons others do. I also shoot field target with a 19 fpe .20 cal Steyr LG110 prepared by Motorhead and do fine with it.
Maybe "accuracy" is a subjective term. Anything 1/2" c.t.c. and consistent at 25 yards to me is a very accurate pellet rifle. I sight my pellet guns at 25 on paper (I rarely shoot patterns at any other range).

A 12ga. Shell is about 3/4" wide and 2 3/4 long (fired). If I can crack one every shot (regardless of orientation) at 50 yards 100% of the time, I'm shooting at 2MOA or thereabouts.

In my experience every HW .22 I've had will shoot most pellets to this accuracy. The better pellets will reduce those patterns to nearly 1MOA on a good day. A great day is when it happens 30 times in a row without a significant flyer or slight POI change.

With that being said my HW95k will outshoot them all. Whether it's the barrel or the weight or both I'm undecided. But it will get almost 100% on a shotgun shell out to 70 yards and routinely prints .50 ctc 15 shot patterns at 25 yards. On a hot day with venus in retrograde it does better than that. That (to me) is an "very accurate" pellet rifle.

I'm not sure how much more accurate a .177 is. Nor how innacurate an HW .22 barrel may be. But the few .22 HW's I have shot have performed very well. Certainly above my expectations for a spring piston pellet rifle.
I have R1's in .177, .20 and .22 and HW97's in .20 and .177. Both .20's outshoot the other calibers in their respective models when I pay attention to what I am doing. I like the caliber for all the same reasons others do. I also shoot field target with a 19 fpe .20 cal Steyr LG110 prepared by Motorhead and do fine with it.

That Motorhead rascal. Of course it shoots good. It's not the .20 it's the Motorhead.

He shoots a 3 groove barrel hammer forged by some bush doctor in Estonia. Looking down the bore is like pondering a 3 handled post hole digger. That guy could build a rifle to do neurosurgery with. It took him 10 years just to get his beard that dirty.

I bet your rifle shoots button holes. But is it more accurate because it's a .20?

It may be. But only Motorhead knows for sure. I suspect it's some sort of voodoo magic he's conjuring up in his evil lair.
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That Motorhead rascal. Of course it shoots good. It's not the .20 it's the Motorhead.

He shoots a 3 groove barrel hammer forged by some bush doctor in Estonia. Looking down the bore is like pondering a 3 handled post hole digger. That guy could build a rifle to do neurosurgery with. It took him 10 years just to get his beard that dirty.

I bet your rifle shoots button holes. But is it more accurate because it's a .20?

It may be. But only Motorhead knows for sure. I suspect it's some sort of voodoo magic he's conjuring up in his evil lair.
I’d say 50% .20 caliber pellet, 35% Steyr and 15% Motörhead.
That’s assuming your using the JSB 13.73.

This is no disrespect to Scott, he’s the ”BEST” out there🌈🚀🎯👍✌️, but there's only so much you can do if the gun or pellet is average.
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Nice shooting, impressive target. But you need to put a bit more air in that baby. My D54 in .22 blows those little army men in smithereens at 50 yards, lol. If you have never tried the JTS 16.08 native them a try.

It depends on the plastic. Some little figures are softer and take many dozen hits. It deforms them and pellets stick in them. Other figures are more brittle and shatter.

I buy them in bags from the thrift store. So I get a variety of brands/plastics. Some are only good for one hit. The softer plastic makes a good target for lots of hits.

The pellets heavier than 15 grs really drop fast. I stick to the 14.33 because I'm familiar with the holdover and don't want to fiddle with more arc. The 13.?? JSB sound a bit harsh in my rifles so I stay a bit heavier. They all shoot may be a bit more accurate than the other IDK. I just buy the 14.33 H&N and pretend I'm shooting the very best pellet on the planet.
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