"Too many" airguns?! —
Is that even a possibility?
Sounds like round squares, dry water, and cold fire.
Scientifically impossible.
Philosophically unsound to even think it.

I know the answer to a related question, though:

"Exactly how many
scopes is too many?"
The answer is:
n + 1 But you knew that already.

Full disclosure:
I have several redundant guns and scopes at present.
So, I have been conceptualizing which gun and which scope should be for which shooting scenario.
➧ ➧ ➧
And that kind of planning has been a lot of fun! For the guns that didn't truly fill a niche
I wrote up sales ads and took photos. (For some guns I have postponed the writing/ picture taking over three years....

I just sold another gun today. I'm feeling good about that.
What now?! You ask how many
scopes I have sold?
Perish the thought!
WHAT in blazes is WRONG with you?!?
Banish such filthy thoughts from your mind!!