Just going to stop ordering *stuff*

DonnyFL 200bar bottles on 250 bar gun. Wants me to pay shipping for their screw up.

Pyramyd ship a barrel in a big box with minimal packaging and barrel escapes. After shaming post they decided to replace barrel and ship ground just to make sure it takes as long as possible to fix their error.

Sharg order a gun, pay for gun, get refund the next day, they don't ship to US.

Krale order the same gun, in stock, and when I get to checkout claims out of stock. Go a 2nd time, still in stock, checkout fails again.

Huma Air order the same gun, get to checkout, SUCCESS. Get an email the next day, we're sorry, there is a 2-3 week delay in fulfilling your order.

Canada Shooting Supply order a Kervan K1/C5 wood stock. Received Kral Puncher stock.

Order scope #1 from Alibaba, last week heard 5 days ago the plane landed in Hong Kong, over 2 weeks after order was placed.

Order scope #2 from Alibaba, 3 weeks later and best anyone can tell "in transit".

Order tanks on Alibaba, 5 days later check status and find still haven't shipped. Ask when they will ship. Turns out 1 of 2 tanks is out of stock. Try to cancel order. Denied, seller claims the bottle will ship in window. 7 days later finally ships.
Matt ,
im 4 months into this and the deliveries are slowing down. So much stuff.
All my real gun equipment doesn’t come close and I did reload and compete
in f class which required about 72 perfect center fire rounds ( one can hope)
per round. Of course I was working then and money was not as freely spent.
But ya gotta admit I'm on a roll here.

Only Amazon and AliExpress are not screwing me over. Given tariffs that may change to just Amazon shortly.
God's trying to tell you something.

He's telling you to order more stuff the law of averages will even everything out.
DonnyFL 200bar bottles on 250 bar gun. Wants me to pay shipping for their screw up.

Pyramyd ship a barrel in a big box with minimal packaging and barrel escapes. After shaming post they decided to replace barrel and ship ground just to make sure it takes as long as possible to fix their error.

Sharg order a gun, pay for gun, get refund the next day, they don't ship to US.

Krale order the same gun, in stock, and when I get to checkout claims out of stock. Go a 2nd time, still in stock, checkout fails again.

Huma Air order the same gun, get to checkout, SUCCESS. Get an email the next day, we're sorry, there is a 2-3 week delay in fulfilling your order.

Canada Shooting Supply order a Kervan K1/C5 wood stock. Received Kral Puncher stock.

Order scope #1 from Alibaba, last week heard 5 days ago the plane landed in Hong Kong, over 2 weeks after order was placed.

Order scope #2 from Alibaba, 3 weeks later and best anyone can tell "in transit".

Order tanks on Alibaba, 5 days later check status and find still haven't shipped. Ask when they will ship. Turns out 1 of 2 tanks is out of stock. Try to cancel order. Denied, seller claims the bottle will ship in window. 7 days later finally ships.
Good help is hard to find
Or companies are struggling to keep up, and are trying their best. Things take time to get processed and shipped. Once a package leaves a business there is nothing they can do.

Settle down and be patient. To many people demand their items get special treatment. Sadly that's not how any of this works.
A catalog, LUXURY!
We had to walk 90 miles in the snow uphill just to send a telegram to a factor. Then we had to wait for summer before the wagons could use the dirt roads and get to the farm with our orders.

We had to use homing pigeons and smoke signals just to build those tlegraph lines!

Seriously though, everything is a hot mess. I expect nothing but disappointment with everything, that way I get a pleasant suprise when something goes as it should. Expectations lol...!
We had to use homing pigeons and smoke signals just to build those tlegraph lines!

Seriously though, everything is a hot mess. I expect nothing but disappointment with everything, that way I get a pleasant suprise when something goes as it should. Expectations lol...!
Always plan around failure modes so when failure happens, and it will, you are ready to address the issue. 45 years I have been developing the testing other people's products. Amazing how many times I find a flaw and the panic mode that ensues as they scramble to address the issue.
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