I have weihrauch hw98 .177 rifle.
I just bought the rifle.
The rifle's production year is 2017. I removed the weak spring from the rifle.
I had a Titan no8 spring installed. I measured the output velocity with jsb 10.34 grain pellet.
average speed 660 fps. This speed is equivalent to 13.5 joules.
I thought hw98 rifles were 20 joules. Is the 660 fps velocity I measured with 10.34 grain normal?
I have weihrauch hw98 .177 rifle.
I just bought the rifle.
The rifle's production year is 2017. I removed the weak spring from the rifle.
I had a Titan no8 spring installed. I measured the output velocity with jsb 10.34 grain pellet.
average speed 660 fps. This speed is equivalent to 13.5 joules.
I thought hw98 rifles were 20 joules. Is the 660 fps velocity I measured with 10.34 grain normal?
That sounds like a good speed to shoot , just under 10 FPE , strong enough for small game and still pleasant to shoot all day .
I have studied metallurgy. I know a lot about spring steels. I can't recommend a thing for springers I have never owned one , but would like to help with this problem if I can. I know for a fact if you preload a spring it will develope higher pressures. It's going to be some trial , and hopefully not errors , but if the factory spring is available in new condition then yes as it should bring back that 20 joules your looking for , and an additional spacer to preload it can slightly increase the power. I have background in gunsmithing , and mechanics.. I dealt with recoil issues in weak recoil springs of the AR-15 , and replaced them with new Wolf springs which solved the problems. If you use a super light oil for lube it would be a plus. An additional inner coil if it were at all possible would be nice.
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