RAW Rapid Scope Ring Height

I received my HM1000X chassis yesterday and mounting my Element Helix 6-24 x50 SFP this morning and am having some slight issues with getting my eye relief set for my liking.
I other words I can’t get low enough on the cheek rest with it dialed all the way down.
Seems my rings which are the Leapers high see thru are not quite high enough.
Hoping someone has some input on a solution.
Not really worried about looks as in looking goofy with scope sitting high.
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Indeed an ISSUE with chassis's that use "AR" based butt furniture. There bane is that the receiver and buffer tube sit so close to each others vertical position.
Some will change out the BUTT hardware to something more catering that has a lower butt pad raising the chassis & action relative to your face helping you keep a lower scope mounting position. Others just jack up the scope height to gain the face positioning there feeling needed. I personally like to keep the optic as low as practical.

I like these AR type BUTT stocks ...



Indeed an ISSUE with chassis's that use "AR" based butt furniture. There bane is that the receiver and buffer tube sit so close to each others vertical position.
Some will change out the BUTT hardware to something more catering that has a lower butt pad raising the chassis & action relative to your face helping you keep a lower scope mounting position. Others just jack up the scope height to gain the face positioning there feeling needed. I personally like to keep the optic as low as practical.

I like these AR type BUTT stocks ...

View attachment 546825

View attachment 546826

View attachment 546831

Looks like a Total War Tactical skeleton buttstock, which is a copy of one of the XLR stocks.