"Leopold" does not make scopes, binoculars, range finders, and spotting scopes. Leopold is a dude's first name. Leupold, a family name, on the other hand-makes all of the afore mentioned optical apparatuses(I know I spelt the plural of apparatus right on account of I dun looked it up).
I was at the shooting range yesterdee testing out some new airgun ammo and overheared a feller talkin about all a his Leopold scopes. I am not quite sure why, but I am allergic to this common mispronunciation and it makes me feel like I'm chewing egg shells! No grammar school edumacated person should commit this phonetic mistake. It is impolite to correct people on this issue in person, especially at a shooting range, so I am here letting off a little steam. It won't fix the problem(with me), but at least if you ever meet me in person, you will know where I stand on the issue.
No airgun shooters were harmed in the writing of this grievance, but I'm sure I'm about to get my gluteus maximus handed to me by all ya'll. If I help even one person with this thread, then the world will be a better place by 0.000000000000000000000000001%. If you caint laugh with me, then at least you can laugh at me. I come up with useless thoughts oncet in while, speshully on a rainy day when I aint got nuthin fun to do.
(y) 👌 Don't EVEN get ME started on the misuse of; they're/there, your/you're, advise/advice, etc. Kinda the same peeve/reaction. Don't know why it bugs me or understand my reaction to it but I do a lot of "mud holding" when I see some of the posts here. Had the same reaction to "Leopold" scopes 🤪
I am going to laugh with and at you,calm down and shot straight. I am going to call the scopes made by the company Leupold Leupold.Another thing some people have a hard time with pronunciation,like me,it is not because I do not know the right way,it is because I have had 32 doses of radiation to my mouth,funny, even that does not shut me up,just go with the flow ,I do agree with you though,I am trying to become a singer and no one will care how I say something :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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I don't hear so well,,, could ya pronounce them for me again,, they both sound the same when I read em,
but then, there are these guys
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(y) 👌 Don't EVEN get ME started on the misuse of; they're/there, your/you're, advise/advice, etc. Kinda the same peeve/reaction. Don't know why it bugs me or understand my reaction to it but I do a lot of "mud holding" when I see some of the posts here. Had the same reaction to "Leopold" scopes 🤪
What about, " these ones,,,,,,,and ,,,,,,,,,those ones?"
THAT is absolutely ridiculous and shows ones true intelligence.
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I'm not a reel gudt speller but i blame it on this new keyboard
If your user name is any indikayshun…
Edited to add:
FWIW, as I typed that this is happening.

Leupold & Stevens was founded by the German immigrant Markus Friedrich (Fred) Leupold and his brother-in-law Adam Voelpel in 1907

The German name "Leupold" is properly pronounced "Loo-pold".

Maybe a German member can verify

But we beat them in back to back world wars, so we pick how to pronounce it.

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If your user name is any indikayshun…
Edited to add:
FWIW, as I typed that this is happening.

View attachment 546935
I like the glass (probably the contents also ! ) beerthief came from frat parties in college , Keggers , everyone had the plastic glass . set one down and suddenly more appeared , which one is mine ? Mine was fuller than the others , wasn't it ?
For me Leupold has been a company that makes decent scopes but much of the time "don't get" their constituents desires, or the markets desires, until they've almost become a byword.
Often much smaller co's are more relevant in today's market.
Often one over pays for that Gold Ring around the objective.
They can put together some good features but omit some others that could have made for awesome scopes.
Basically they miss the boat much of the time.

The stupidest turrets I've ever come across were on a L target scope.

Nah, I've gone elsewhere because L relied on their rep, avoided innovation, until they had no choice, unless they wanted to fade into the past.
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