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  • Been to the range ( of course ) having some R&R behind the rifle, making a new style target we been turned onto, we call it a needle target, you basically have to shoot a 4.5 mm shot thru a 6 mm hole to get a visual reward in form of a chalk stick behind the hole to act as a HIT indicator.
    Seem to work fine but really at 50 M not that much fun, come Tuesday it will be moved to 75 M to rise the stakes.

    Also put up a few distance markers at various stations, 55 M - 75 M - 100 M 118 M and finally way in the back 129 M
    And of course the 93 M / 100 Y

    All i have to share however is a screenshot of a string from the Two.


    Okay i completely forgot, let me edit and upload a little video i also made,,,,,,, BRB

    20 minutes later.

    We had a visitor while shooting, clearly this is a old school Viking bird, not afraid of nothing.
    Actually 15 minutes or so later when it had walked up past out 75 M and 90 M stations, i hit steel there within a few feet of it, and it did not at all take notice to this, okay not loud steel but i am sure this bird is not deaf.

    Here my friend is shooting 75 M with the bird 10 M from the shot shed.

    Finally. You know it is. ;)

    So it seem like there is a chance that the shot shed in the future will see more than 2 shooters.
    So to accommodate this potential risk, we threw in a #3 rifle lane yesterday, and modified the 2 existing benches a little ( shooter cut-out enlarged a little )
    it could also be the #1 pistol lane, will have to be turned into a full blow bench and then my friend can shoot his damn pistol from that

    If shooting wasent such a small sport in this country, we would probably have to get a " NO vacancy " sign to put up.

    2 "new " shooters will turn up tomorrow, though the wind far from playing ball, my friend will have to play the range manager CUZ i am at home for a while as i have family matters to attend to.

    One of the new shooters is a lefty shooter, so we probably have to do something about that as after all we are nice folks in the shot shed.
    The dedicated pistol lane will probably have to go the way of the Do do

    This is a issue that was already in our minds, the plan all along was to make the left most lane a lefty one, but come to think of it then that shooter can not shoot at the right most longest range targets, pretty much just the 100 yard target and a few other shorter ones that is there or could be made.

    The guy have the means and skills it seem to shoot very far, and i do think it is his main game.

    Also the 55 M 20 foot container, we could get that moved to the back of the property, and all the SqMeters of dirt in the berm behind it, but that demand money as we would have to get someone with a digger to come drag the container there and move the dirt, so i assume 2-3 hours of Machine work,,,,, which also not come cheap in Denmark.

    We will figure it out CUZ nothing else to do.
    There is a lot of good and bad to be said about the people that dwell in the dark cold forrest in northern Scandinavia ( Finnes )
    But when they set their mind to make a lead dust collector they are not joking around, i had to break out the .50 CAL cleaners and still only managed a half decent job.
    On the + side i might get a rat or two tonight with indirect lead poisoning, CUZ daum the thing collected a bit

    On the ? side, all i really found in there was dust, not any flakes ASO, so that’s a good thing i recon.

    And IMO i thought it was not that long ago i cleaned it. but maybe i mistake it for my humo MOD30

    Note to self need to buy some big bore brushes / bottle cleaners ASO.


    Wind ( force ) wise next weekend look good, but direction and temperature will probably keep me at home.
    Northerly direction is wind right in the face in the shot shed, or right in the openings you shoot out of.

    next week.jpg

    AVG winds around 4-5-6 M/s is OK, anything below is stellar.
    My friend, normally dialed for using 10 gr ko slugs at night with his ancient NV scope, well using that same rifle today to shoot 13 gr slugs the tune was out of whack for what it usually is.
    Never the less just slapping night time scope on the rail, and the aim seem to be the same at 25 M shooting pretty small mice he can barely see, CUZ he got one in the first shot later in the evening after i left.


    Rats must have gotten smart, CUZ we do not see them any more.
    We are hoping this is the same mouse that found its way into the shot shed and made a mess of some styrofoam there, CUZ one did that as we had overlooked a small hole in the floor at one of the posts holding the damn thing together.
    Indeed a mind exercise.
    I have also been thinking, what if Europe stopped buying American hardware and made their own.
    We might see both scenarios play out soon to great delight of eastern nations we both call our " enemies "

    BTW in the video, the signs the guy hold up, on them are some of the horrible mistakes Denmark have made with Greenland, like others have also done with their inuit populations,,,, and other.
    Always a lot to be ashamed over, i for one sad no one here was punished for gimping the Military here the second they got the chance after the fall of the wall.
    all of these political parties here only have my absolute disdain.
    It is going to be fascinating to see what happens. I guess all nations have less than proud moments. All we can do is strive to make things better.

    My sister spent a year in Denmark studying at the university. She had nothing bad to say about the place or people. That was in '76 if I remember correctly. She didn't care much for the USSR or the Italian men.
    Oooo 76 then she been here for the love and free pic years, the Communist party was also strong here back then, i know my father was a prominent member.
    But it soon faded and by the late 80ties the party was dissolved and the power seeking members went into other socialist parties here.

    My father was a commie to the day in the spring last year when we buried him, the chapel was filled with many red union banners and many a worker hymn was sung.
    He might have been a damn commie, but he was still much respected by all opposing parties he faced, and of course all unions and company / factory owners CUZ he did not give any BS.

    I was 10 back then and in the 9.5 year long trauma that others call school.

    I think the commies here, was a reason that Denmark got on the Marshall aid band wagon a bit late, CUZ just after the war no telling what side we would tilt to.
    As i recall we got a few 100 mill USD,,,,, loans as i remember not hand outs.
    We have put a severe dent in the pest populations at my friends place, we have not seen a rat in over a month, and mind you my friend have a CCTV camera on the bait all the time.
    Mice also only come one at the time, and their luck my friends ancient NV scope are mot made for seeing so small animals at 25 M distance.

    I was dialed in just fine, but then come mouse and i was like 20 mm off to the left, fortunately the mouse was pointing Right, and i was going for a head shot, but just made a center mass hit, that did made it keel over, my friend finished it off by shooting blind CUZ he cant really see it.

    I like the look of that new Macavity MA8 rifle :cool:

    • Love
    Reactions: rsfrid
    This MIGHT be worth following. Let’s see if it lives up to the hype.
    I wonder if they're at SHOT show this week?
    Getting set up for the weekend, it is impressive how much charging i have to do even if i dont shoot a Daystate digi gun.
    Charging two 18650 batteries for IR light and UV light - Charging AAA batteries for chronograph - Charging Sekmet gauge on rifle, and finally also charging the NV 500 scope just in case.

    Trump card on the Charging front though is charging my new power bank with the new wall charger.
    Those 27.000 MAH are soon charged.

    Not that it is very much needed these short cold days, but come summer the need will very much be there, CUZ i can shoot all day.

    I have learned the NV500 scope it will not charge on any of the two USB C ports, but the one flashlight i have tried on there was fine, phones will also charge on there just fine but my old phone only take 20 Watts tops, and this brick can deliver 140 watts X 2.
    Everything charge on the one USB A port.


    Now i just need to restock the ammo, CUZ even if Saturday will probably be all firewood work and target assembly and setup, maybe try and choke the oven a bit more on the " air intake ", as it is still eating firewood pretty fast.
    Then Sunday and a lot better weather, lead is going to fly.
    Just finished watching a 2 year old 3 part DOKU on the life of Abraham Lincoln.

    It was nice to learn a bit more about a person i largely only knew by name, and of course a few scattered hall mark events.
    Also a remider of the Danes history which in the same years suffered a great setback by the hands of those pesky Germans when they took a huge chunk out of the southern part of our nation.

    So back then the Americans win the south, Danes lost the south, though after ww1 we did get a little back, though we was offered it all.
    President Lincoln was our greatest President… He presided over the nation when Americans were literally “killing“ fellow Americans… Our nations darkess moment… None of the present day political vitriol approaches the discord and death that occur during the American Civil War…🙏
    Yeah Abe seem like tough act to follow.
    I think Denmark had some nice kings, and some really - really poor ones, at one time the entire country minus a town or two was pawned away.
    And the country also was a lot larger.

    I dont think we ever had a truly great leader after the abolishment of the monarchy here
    Okay i am officially totally bummed out.
    Went to my stoprage today to grab a few CDs to compile some more MP3 mix tapes for the car, and to my out right horror and disbelief i found out that my CD collection is all but a fraction of the vinyl collection i in my almighty youthful stupidity sold ( many 100 kilos of vinyl )

    So pretty much all the old stuff with scorpions / Judas priest and many other i never required on CD,,,,,,
    So right now i sit here in front of the computer on youtube listening to Judas priest 1976 album Sad wings of destiny and feel pretty sad.
    And a credit card in my back pocket that is just itching to be used,,,,, and i do think i will have to cave in.
    Not least as right now The ripper started to play and my head start to go back and forth with the hair that is only .177 long so no shaking of that.

    I can not believe i have diluted myself for so many decades 😟

    On the + side, i can still air drum to all of those tracks we played in the youth centers music room in the early 80ties.
    700 LPs
    6600 CDs
    All CDs on my NAS in FLAC and 50% of the LPs ripped, cleaned and FLAC.

    -- Matt
    Thats not bad, even if i am just interested in the old stuff, though some of the new also work for me.

    I am sin after sin now and Jawbreaker,,,,,, OMG i have lost many liters of sweat behind the drums playing that one.
    If you are finding them on YouTube and are handy with Google, you can search for programs that will rip audio from a YouTube video and then burn what you like. I cant speak to the 'ethics' or legality of such, and nor will I confirm or deny that I have done that.... but if I had, I'm sure it was very easy to do and a great way to expand your collection.
    If only my night vision camera supported fast charge, CUZ then with new stuff i would be able to charge it in ( /me snap fingers )

    165 watts in the charger, but cable only support 140 watts.


    But at least when my new power bank arrive ( +27.000 mah just enough for TSA to allow it on planes )
    Well i can charge that fast too, and if not in the car it do also come with a 165 watts gan wall charger

    240 watt total discharge available on power bank ( 2 X USB C and 1 X USB A ), sadly my " old " laptop do not support USB charging it need a stupid old school barrel plug to be charged.

    PS. In a long summer days worth of shooting, lets just say my phone do not have very much juice left in the end of one of those days if the chrono have been in use all day, even if 100 % charged when i start slinging lead.
    But that is no longer a problem 😁
    I tested my phone on the charger, it is a old snapdragon 8 phone ( xiaomi MI9 ) and in MAX turbo charge mode it peaked at 20 watts :ROFLMAO:

    If i am not mistaken current high end phones will charge wireless at 50 watts, and i assume about 100 watts on a wire.

    Fortunately due to my intense phone hate i do not use / need fast charge, i normally charge on a 2 A charger in the car
    It is funny how things work in other places.
    Take for instance this tracking update on a parcel from China.

    International flight has arrived

    Jan 12 2025 07:06 am

    · Padborg, Capital Region of Denmark, DK "

    I very much doubt that a international flight arrived in Padborg, CUZ while there is a airport there, also one of the 3 "race tracks" we have in Denmark.
    Then the runway is just 1000 M long and i sure as hell never heard of any Dane going on holiday on a plane from Padborg.

    Second. " Capital region of Denmark "
    Padborg is on the Danish / German border in the Jutland part of the country ( that be the sane part of Denmark )
    And it is just about as far from our vile capitol as you can get 225 KM as the crow fly or 325 Km if you want to drive between the 2 places ( mainly the E 45 and E20 motorways )

    Very unusual i went to bed early, and fell asleep in only 2 hours, resulting me getting out of bed at 4 AM
    So had some time to kill before i grabbed my gear and headed for the shot shed.
    Being the smart guy i am i TXTed my M8 saying i was leaving home soon, and so when i arrived at his place 50 minutes later, the diesel heater was humming in the shed, which was nice CUZ just below freezing.

    I then got a shock opening the door to the shed, CUZ most of the floor was filled with firewood, so we had to sort and stack that before there was room at the 2 benches, so we did, and also cranked up the wood burning oven.

    So today’s session was a bliss and great fun was had dispatching the 400 13 grain slugs i had brought with me.
    A little windy though so at 125 yards some times a pellet would land 4-5 inches from your aim point, but other times,,,, bang on. 🎯 amd ,most often acceptable inaccuracy.
    When you have trouble telling the time.

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