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  • Just got my Bulldog M257 back from Airgun Revisions. Rich did the "high standard tuning" plus installed a de-pinger. Thrilled with the performance now. From the factory, with a 3000psi fill, 5 shots would put me down to 2000psi. Now I get 10 shots before 2000psi. Plus before, I had to hold over 30 MOA at 150 yds. Now only a 20 MOA hold over. Really impressed with how well it shoots now. Can't wait to take it out further.Bulldog.jpg
    Just looking at the scenery in your photo, as soon as you start a thread about shooting the M257 I want to read it. It looks like you're in the right place to really push it out there. I also see you got the longer airtube. What's that attached to the very front of your pic rail?
    Yes. I'm in Southern Utah. On 80 acres with nothing around me, so I will be able to push this powerhouse to the limit eventually. The tuning that Rich (Airgun revisions) did is incredible. Didn't expect that much of a difference. The piece on the end is a flashlight.
    Rich puts the airtube from the 457 on which makes a big difference. So far I have set up target stands/gong frames out to 150. Will be going further soon, 150 was nothing for this rifle. I have heard of others pulling groups at 400.
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