Recent content by Airmanator

  1. A

    Umarex Notos with STX superior liner?

    A notos barrel cost like $30 vs and fx barrel cost $110. Big difference so yeah you will get better accuracy from a $110 than using a cheaper $30 barrel.
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    FX fx impact m4 first 10 shots are slow

    What ppl don't understand is this is quite normal for all impacts. Not just the m4. This topic been posted like at least once a week lol. I own the mk2 and m3 and also have same problem. The slower shots is due to 2 things. One it's reg creep up. My my mk2 it's 5 bar creep. On my m3 its 10 bar...
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    Utah AG slow to ship

    Wow looking at these folks, none of them are patience. It's like they ordered something and expect it to be at their door the next day. Lmao. Guess I'm the only one who will wait 1-2 weeks and not complain. These folks waiting a few days and complaining like they been waiting months for their...
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    Utah AG slow to ship

    I've ordered from them. It takes about 3-4 days to ship. Have patience my friend.
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    Compressor leaking. Need help with this fitting.

    I try to remove the ferrule (cone shape) but it's stuck on the ss tube so tight. It won't even budge. Are there tools to remove this thing without cutting the ss tube or cutting the ferrule? I search ferrule remove tool but they only show faucet ferrule removal only. Not ferrule that are use on...
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    Compressor leaking. Need help with this fitting.

    I believe it started leaking after I removed it so I can take the gold filter out to clean. Cause it didn't leak b4. After I cleaned the gold filter I install it back and put all the fitting together. Then turn on compressor to check for leaks and that is when I notice hissing noise from that...
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    Compressor leaking. Need help with this fitting.

    I used 2 adjustment wrench. I make sure the cone shape went into the hole and seat, then tighten it down to the point it will round off the hex nut if I try anymore. It is as tight as I possibly can without stripping it. I check the fittings and they look normal, no scratches or marks on the...
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    Compressor leaking. Need help with this fitting.

    So my hatsan light compressor is leaking from this fitting. I have taken it apart and polish it and put it back as tight as I can but still leaking. This is the only part it is leaking from and I can not stop the leak no matter what. What is these steel pipe fitting call? I notice they have no o...
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    Buy once, cry once.

    You do know the impact is the gun that won most of the competition right? Nuff said lol
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    Lastest verison of the yong heng compressor. Anyone try it?

    Yeah looks similar. Probably same internals since most of these Chinese made compressor are made from same factory and rebrand under different names. But for $240 and free shipping it's hard to beat. Wonder if it's actually made by the same yong heng company that makes the blue case compressor...
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    3 Liter Tanks from Tuxing or Acecare

    I use my own compressor so i bought the acecare 6.8l tank. I got the acecare Tank by itself and order this fill station. It's small and compact. Show both bottle gauge so you know what the Tank pressure is and also show pressure going into your gun. It have a quick fill so will fill any pcp with...
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    Lastest verison of the yong heng compressor. Anyone try it?

    Ok so I run into this yong heng while looking for a compressor. It is not the water bucket yong heng everyone is used to. This one looks like a clone of the gx cs4 without the water cooling. Looks like a desktop computer. I can not find any reviews on this new compressor. I am guessing it's new...
  13. A

    Which is better?

    3900 fills from a 80cu ft on a 580cc bottle? What planet are you from cause I wish I got that many refill lmao. Most you get is about 7 refills. Not 3900 fills.
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    3 Liter Tanks from Tuxing or Acecare

    Acecare and tuxing are basically the same thing. Just different branding. If you have your own compressor you can't go wrong with either. I've been using 6.8l acecare from aliexpress for over 7 years with no problem. Only thing is these tanks are not DOT so you can't get them hydro test or fill...
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    FX Impact M3 slug or pellet port?

    I have a mk2 and m3. I leave both on slug port. Slug port will have a larger transfer hole so more airflow and power. But can still be use with pellets by lower power wheel or turning valve by the bottle inward. As for 5-10 bar creep is normal. If you have a chorny and measure your shots, the...