
I'll add a photo as soon as I can find one that makes me look buff while shooting bench rest. Lol

I joined this form mostly because I have a question and I'd like a bunch of people to possibly help anonymously here on a forum, as opposed to Jared or Lauren at AOA laughimg at me as I leave the store knowing who I am. (Just kidding they are awesome)

I AM always about last place in comps. I love shooting of all kinds but among competitors, well, my son and his video game friends have some names for me until Mario Cart comes out or we go to the track. At which point I drink their tears.
Don't enjoy racing, do enjoy shooting. Pretty good at one terrible at the other. I'm a safe and cool shooter to be around, always down to learn, help set up or tear down after matches if needed.


I see below that there is all kinds of social media to connect to. I just have linkedin. Hope that means I can still join.

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Gilbert, AZ