Recent content by ba49

  1. B

    New pest outside

    I had a pet crow as a kid and he was very smart. I actually was able to teach him to say a few words although not as clear as the Red Wing Blackbird I had later. I wa told they both are related to Myna birds who are very smart. My Crow used to bring me little shiny presents like gum wrappers or...
  2. B

    Im stuck on what to get

    Can't go wrong with a used Brocock from a decent seller. They can be had for less than $1000 and you usually get your money back if you keep it in nice shape and you resell later. I would definetly stay away from the more pricey AEA models. I have owned 6 and they sit in my safe. Most,( not all)...
  3. B

    question about carbon fiber tanks

    You know nothing about me, if you did you would know I don't report people. I'm sure you will do that on your own, have a wonderful day.
  4. B

    question about carbon fiber tanks

    You know guy your comment that he would want someone to get hurt or killed to prove a point is TOTALLY out of line. You come on here assuming everyone should think like you do or you try to make them seem like they are timid if they want to be careful. This forum is also about respecting other...
  5. B

    N/A What is a good Airgun

    For the best multi-purpose, excellent quality adjustable airgun I would recommend a nice Brocock. You can find them used in your price range with some checking around. If you buy used you won't lose money on a Brocock and you would not need to do an upgrade to something else in a couple of...
  6. B

    N/A What is a good Airgun

    A free one! The problem with that question is there are about a couple of hundred answers to that question. And I'm sure you will get at least 20 and 5 or six arguments lol.
  7. B

    Coyote den gun?

    Mine is, I only use it for target shooting or maybe rats. It's a lot of fun though. I don't think it would be effective against coyotes on a steady basis. I guess perfect headshots would be fine but that would be dependent on the shooters skill.
  8. B

    Coyote den gun?

    I would go with a Huben K1 in .25. I think the extra power and accuracy are worth the extra cost unless you already have the other 2. I own all 3 and after the K1 I would go with the GK1, then the Hatsan Blitz. I don't use my Blitz for pesting or hunting because I might be tempted to use full...
  9. B

    Other New to PCPs

    Years ago I used to keep my horse at a small stable and the owner and I used to shoot rats around the place. He had an old beat up Crosman 140 pump up rifle in .22cal that was a killer on rats. A couple of pumps and no more rat. It was also very quiet. I have seen them on ebay and other places...
  10. B

    question about carbon fiber tanks

    Did I say to hide? I said we need be smart and careful what we post, sorry I assumed you understand that concept. The ebike people did the same thing. Showing a bunch of guys on videos bragging about how fast the new ebikes are and videos showing the blowing stop signs and telling everyone how...
  11. B

    question about carbon fiber tanks

    I think the airgun industry is going to put itself out of business if it isn't careful. Do we really need guns with that kind of power? These airgun forums and also You Tube are out there for the public to see and also certain 3 letter agencys. When we start bragging that airguns are more...
  12. B

    The $2000 dollar gun.

    I second the Brocock Bantam Sniper or even the Ghost. I own 5 Brococks and you just can't beat them for what you are looking for. I would even recommend a used one and save the extra money for a used Huben K1 or Huben GK1 pistol. The GK1 makes a really handy small carbine out to 50= yds. You...
  13. B

    N/A Cold Weather Springers

    I always worry I will break the spring in the cold like a garage door spring. I know the odds are against it but I have had several break on my door over the years and always in cold weather.
  14. B

    question about carbon fiber tanks

    You know guys opinions are like A-Holes, everyone has one. I never said you are wrong to trust less expensive stuff or you shouldn't use expired tanks, your decision. My big tank(DOT) is now expired but I fill it so it's on me if it fails. Would I fill an expired tank for someone else NO. Would...
  15. B

    Need help to buy first PCP air rifle for hunting small game

    The Huben K1 also can be had with a wood stock and is tactical. It's a beauty. They also are designed for slugs which are better for bigger game and longer ranges for prairie dogs. They come in .22 and .25 cal. The downside to some people is they have a built in magazine but it holds 19 shots in...