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  • Just learned today that my biggest fan ( in any way ) have left for the big pasture in the sky.
    May you frolic as long as you please Fie.

    So much love for me that seeing me made it very hard for her to remain upright, her butt became that happy seeing me.
    I mashed up a lot of air today, 12 L bottle 130 bar to 320 in 20 minutes.
    Okay a little more CUZ at 250 BAR we learned putting compressor on long cheap extension chord,,,,, not smart. So that cost us a 16 A fuse.
    So the wanna be electrician whipped up a adapter cable to tap into 1 phase of the 3 in the 440 V plug on my friends wall, and of course using proper garden hose gauge wire, so no problems once pumping resumed.

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