Recent content by Vana2

  1. Vana2

    RAW Rapid HM1000x honeymoon

    I still like my FX airguns, we'll see how the RAW stacks up. 🙂
  2. Vana2

    RAW Rapid HM1000x honeymoon

    I'm planing on trying slugs as an experiment. I've a couple of PCPs tuned to 16 & 18 grain pellets for sub-60 yard work. Was thinking of keeping the HM1000x tuned for heavier projectiles and try some 100 yards bench shooting. Thanks for commenting!
  3. Vana2

    RAW Rapid HM1000x honeymoon

    I have the same Marksman 700cc, 300 bar bottle. What pressure are you running your HM1000x at rsfrid? My Users Manuel says 230 bar for the 480cc bottle.
  4. Vana2

    RAW Rapid HM1000x honeymoon

    Thought I'd share my notes... I'm in the honeymoon period with the .22 caliber HM1000x I got just before winter hit and we are just getting to know each other. The HM1000x was too much gun to be shooting indoors so today's calm, 50 F weather had me at the shooting bench for the first time in...
  5. Vana2

    Exploding ammo

    That falls into the "gimmick" category for me. A well placed shot with the appropriate energy is all that's required to do the job. I'd be very cautious about putting chemicals and explosive compounds in me airgun. They can't be good for the bore. Cheers!
  6. Vana2

    N/A Does velocity effect rifle sensitivity when shooting?

    Interesting stuff! The people at Feinwerkbau thought enough about Newtons 3rd Law that they designed an adjustable little gizmo to offset the pellet acceleration for their Model 603 10 meter SSP target rifle. The firing cycle on the 603 is dead calm so I presume it works but I've never never...
  7. Vana2

    HW/Weihrauch True Glow Globes on sale

    Seems that people either love or hate these sights. Guess that it depends on what you are using them for. As kids (in the 60's) we painted our front sight to make it easier to see against a brown rabbit hunkered down in heavy brush. We would have been ecstatic to be buy this type of sight but...
  8. Vana2

    Cops come across your airgun in a traffic stop

    Haven't had that happen... yet. I would suggest that airgunners comply with local FIREARMS regulations with your airguns to save a lot of potential stress. I've talked "airguns" with a number of police officers and beyond recognizing basic Red Rider style BB-guns they know little about...
  9. Vana2

    Other Chinese air rifles today

    Sorry, pre-coffee moment 😊 I do most of my off hand shooting at 25 yards, jumped to that conclusion. Cheers!
  10. Vana2

    Other Chinese air rifles today

    Good shooting, 2 inch off hand groups at 25 yards is better than many people can achieve with any gun. You might want to try other brands of pellets as well. In all my (25) airguns, the Crosmans consistently perform poorly. Cheers!
  11. Vana2

    N/A Vintage FWB 150/300 vs Modern FWB

    I have 3 Feinwerkbau rifles, 2 pistols and I'm very fond of all of them. My favorite thing is to have one of my powder burner friends shoot the Feinwerkbau 10 meter airguns - their expression is always priceless. 😁
  12. Vana2

    Light trigger...prove it.

    Rather than a light trigger I prefer the right trigger. A light trigger makes sense on a 10 meter target pistol that is shot off hand, not so much on a heavy bench rifle supported front and back. The pistol takes very little force to be pulled off target where you have to be (relatively) rough...
  13. Vana2

    Accuracy: I think once you have found the right settings and

    Great post! I see some brutal honesty here! 😀 Some of us (not me of course 😉 ) are affected with the need for absolute accuracy. There are those who think us to be "extreme" (anal?), but that doesn't dampen our enjoyment of shooting as it's part of the game that attracts us...
  14. Vana2

    I need some opinions

    There's little reason to shoot skunks as they are good neighbors and just looking for food. Over the decades I've had dozens of skunk encounters with zero issues. Skunks are rightfully confident in their awesome defense capabilities and are not overly concerned unless faced with an uninformed...
  15. Vana2

    Exactly how many is too many

    For decades I had one airgun, a FWB 124, that took care of all my needs. After 20 years of hard use, the piston seal failed and while researching parts and information I stumbled across PCPs. I couldn't believe the accuracy, range and power they claimed. So I had to find out for myself and got...