Recent content by wildcj5

  1. wildcj5

    AEA Please help with a bintac t9

    Instead of that oring on the frame plug you could try a dowty washer.
  2. wildcj5

    AEA Please help with a bintac t9

    I tried but failed finding a parts diagram for the t9. I am wondering if there should be a plastic disc/seal under your plug. This image is from a kral but same application. #61. Other than the leak how do you like the T9? I have an older HP Plus in .22 that I worked over to lower the...
  3. wildcj5

    Other Walther LG400 absorber not working properly?

    I would ask here . It is a more 10m specific site.
  4. wildcj5

    Other A. H. Hartley Stalker Tiger Ten up and shooting

    Good to know on that huma reg. I have a mk1 with a sick reg that I need to swap out.
  5. wildcj5

    Stocks/Grips/Chassis FX Ranchero

    This listing has been renewed
  6. wildcj5

    Other Low powered .25?

    I had a BAM 50 a few years ago that had been converted to .25. It was doing spot on 30ftlbs. In my backyard out to my 50 yards it was awesome. At the distance you are talking it will smack hard.
  7. wildcj5

    Stocks/Grips/Chassis FX Ranchero

    I’m sure this is a long shot but anyway have an FX Ranchero wood stock. Looking to replace the black soft touch on mine. Thanks
  8. wildcj5

    Diana More ?s on Diana Stormrider Gen3- regulated

    I don’t have a SR but not much. I would do 1/8 turn and see what it gets you. You mentioned doing this for accuracy. Have you done any barrel work? Adjusting speed has an effect but if you are fighting a burr on the transfer port or crown nothing is going to change other than the speed.
  9. wildcj5

    Kral Arms Where to buy a Low profile burst disc puncher breaker?
  10. wildcj5

    Cleaning and weighting pellets head size in 177 dose it work?

    During lockdown to kill time I went through and weighed and rolled a couple tins of JSB 10.34. I sorted by .2 weight. Out of each tin I found maybe 10-15 that were either well under the rest or well over with most falling in the middle few weights. Rolling did not give me a head size but more...
  11. wildcj5

    AEA My Zeus is not charging air- anyone with thoughts why that may be?

    Are you cocking it before trying to fill it? I don’t have one but I’m assuming there is a huge spring pushing on the hammer weight and holding the valve open just enough to not seal.
  12. wildcj5

    PCP Rifle Free Kral. MUST PICK UP IN Corona California 92883. WILL NOT SHIP.

    Spoken for. MUST PICK UP IN Corona California 92883. WILL NOT SHIP. I have I think a Puncher Mega. It is .25. I believe everything is there to put it back together minus the plastic disc that goes under the gauge. Stole it for something else. 🤪 Was running when parked. Haha
  13. wildcj5

    FX Ranchero help needed.

    Thanks Jace. Super excited. It sealed well enough to get four mags at 14 ftlbs. Really accurate and wonderful trigger.
  14. wildcj5

    FX Ranchero help needed.

    Correct. I went through my parts and do not have the correct size dowty seal. I will call Utah tomorrow and see if the have the valve pin, seat and the dowty. I was able to polish the old valve and get it to seal. It is leaking slowly from somewhere but kinda wanted to wait and see what was...
  15. wildcj5

    FX Ranchero help needed.

    Nice. I was looking around while waiting for the pistol to be delivered. I only found them in the UK. So they are sitting in customs.