AEA airguns any good ??

So I'm not a newbie and am pretty experienced with pcp airguns and prefer bullpup or carbine style ones, but can you guys with actual "hands on " experience with this brand please chime in ? Are the semi-auto models reliable and cycle as designed ? I had a semi-auto(not so much) Hatsan Bullmaster I returned to that failed to cycle constantly .The price points on AEA are hard to ignore. I've owned Crosman pcps(1st pcps I experienced) Hatsan, Kral, Artemis and Fx(.25 Wildcat and Impact Mk1s ). I definitely prefer quiet stock(oem) . Thanks in advance for responses. 
My oldest son was supposed to buy the 32" .30 challenger bullpup but decided on the .50 cal instead. It's a nice gun with good fit and finish, nice cocking lever and pretty accurate. It's also heavy and has a clean but heavy trigger. The .30 cal is supposed to be nice, lighter and accurate but has a really heavy bolt to cock it that no one seems to like.
I have the 32” 30 cal pup, it is very simple, no real adjustments, I think my trigger is more like 8 lbs, the ping is defining and it shoots ok? 1.5” @ 50 so far with slugs, the stock to rail height is pretty bad for me so I had to put pads on to keep my head down. Has anyone mentioned the cocking being difficult? To exaggerate, I have considered putting my foot on the back of the stock so I can put both hands on the bolt😉! I’m not to disappointed yet, it was cheap, but I may cut that monster of a spring down a bit to tame her, 1050 with a 65 grn slug is a lot of pop! The hammer spring is not only big, it has 2” of preload when disassembled, so massive hammer bounce I’m sure along with the ping? Kind of fun if you wear an ear plug.
I have the 32” 30 cal pup, it is very simple, no real adjustments, I think my trigger is more like 8 lbs, the ping is defining and it shoots ok? 1.5” @ 50 so far with slugs

One of the negative things about AEA is non standard bore diameters. Their .30 is .303 rather than the .300 standard and their .50 is .498 rather than the .510 standard.

If you're using NSA slugs you're shooting a .300 diameter slug from a .303 bore. Try these Bob's Boattails cast by Apex and choose .303 from the drop down menu.

68 grain solid

61 grain HP

Any caliber sample pack
I have a .22 and a .30 HP SS, they are semi-auto with 8" and 10" barrels, respectively.

They are unregulated and finicky. They must be shot at a given pressure, and you must also use the recommended pellets for the semi-auto feature to operate properly.

They are truck guns, accuracy is ok, but not stellar.

There are AEA bolt actions with better accuracy, but the HP SS semi-autos are fun to shoot.
I have the HP SS Plus in 22, 10" barrel, 300cc aluminum tank. It shoots most 22 pellets with no problems. I use JSB 18's and the accuracy is actually really good, much better that I expected, I have shot 3/4 at 40 yards. I do not think anyone buys the semi autos for bench resting though. 

The stock trigger is pretty tough, but punch out a couple pins, lightly sand and lube the surfaces and it is greatly improved and I don't even notice it.

I have had very few misfeeds and am very pleased with it, I can highly recommend this model at least, I have FX, Uragan, Caiman, Brocock so I am used to nice airguns and I enjoy shooting the AEA Semi. The last 1/4" of cocking is pretty stiff also.

I get about 50 shots on 250 BAR fill it starts at about 925 fps and the 1st clip stays in the 900, the 2nd clip 890 or so and slightly downward you probably wont notice this when you are blasting cans or reactive targets in semi auto.

All that being said, I think it is pretty well made and for $569 it is a lot of fun and I like it.

Something to consider is that there are AEA dealers that simply sell whatever gun is in the box they have.

Then there are those AEA dealers that inspect the guns inside the boxes for basic serviceability, which doesn't mean the gun is going to be perfect, but at least cuts down the odds that you're getting a lemon out of the box.

Any good internet & social media search will show you those dealers you should steer clear of, and those that should be used.
That's the problem a lot of places I've searched they're all singing praises of their product and all the YouTubers are doing the same very few people are coming out with anything negative about the gun is all praises and I don't do social media in the respect of Facebook or Twitter or anything like that either I think what I wind up doing is just getting a well know brand.

Agt has Uragan and Vulcan 3,think I'll go with them. Thanks everyone 
Those are spring washers to keep the metal baffles from rattling around in the shroud.

Well my .30 HPSS doesn't have them, or the .25 HPSS I shot and neither gun rattles or has pellets clipping issues.

When the shroud is removed one spacer up against the insert, but there is one side of the shroud that has a ridge inside, it's like a washer that prevents the baffles from freely moving around inside of the shroud so the rest of the baffles go in on that side.

When I remove my shroud only one spacer will come out of that end.

The rest of the baffles are on the other side of shroud held in place by the ridge on the inside of the shroud and will not slide out of the end of the shroud like in this video.

You could easily place a couple of o rings up against the endcap to snug it up on that end and the baffles will not move around.
I have the AEA .30 ...32 inch barrel bullpup I really like it , if you set the power adjustment correctly you can , and I have got 3 shot groups at 50 yards inside of a dime size circle using jsb and NOE casted pellets , the gun after you lube it good ,and break it in a bit is really not that hard to cock as long as you put your thumb on that back of the action anduse 2 fingers to pull back the bolt .....

I also have the Challenger .357 , and it is a bit harder to cock then the .30 but again lube it up break it in use the same method to cock ,and it is really not that bad to cock and that gun shoots dead on at 50 yards using NOE casted slugs , and the pellets ....

I just received a couple months back the AEA big 9 challenger bullpup 30 inch barrel side lever , and this gun has longer mags 3/4 inch bullets can fit the 10 round mag the you can polish and lube the trigger mechs up , and make them better will never beat the AEA guns in these catigories for the price ,and power .... I own several XP airguns gun's , and have been shooting those for a decade so I do know a little about these big bores ...
I just got a AEA HP Max in 357. I'm getting 959 fps at 167fpe on 82gn Vortex pellets. Trigger needs a little work, but not bad at all. Cocking requires an extra bit of force, you get used to it. $600 I think it's a steal. I 3d printed a suppressor to quiet it down and used the DonnyFl adapter. Small, compact and light. Seems like it would be perfect for coyote and coons.

It's an 8 round mag and from 4000psi it drops to 3000psi. I did note that a .358 slug is too fat. You will need .357 or .356. Bin Lu said that they may be offering 24" barrels for it next year. This would put it above my Texan .357 in terms of power. A little trigger work and you can have a nice shooter.