I noticed! Very nice! Not for me, as I don't participate in sports shooting, I just exterminate pest in the backyard.And nobody notices that we presented two new guns! The second one is BARBARIAN the gun for biathlone.
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i use my r5m in 22 got over 17 of them with 34 gr slugsI will say my r5m is still one of my favorites that I’ve had. Stupid reliable, accurate and it just works. My leahiy2s were the same way except the trigger, I never tried to adjust it….. guess I should have looking into it more.
Will the Fenix in 30cal be coming eventually? Or maybe something bigger? I need a dead reliable coyote gun. The Leshy2 did pretty good on them, I’ve considered the 9mm.
You have a problem with the behemoth? The Huma mods? Even the base shrouds of Leshiy Classics and Lelya’s are supremely backyard friendly. Not sure what there is to complain about.i am getting one only hope the moderator is solid and not like l2
Can you say a little more and more precisely how you make new barrels, I didn't understand that well?And I compeltey agree with you! I don't care abot the policty, I've just answered questions! I love all people in the world, if they are normal onesI am open to answer any questions about FeniX.
It's still a Preorder. It has not shipped yet, so nothing to "buzz" about!Why isn't there more buzz on this gun? There was tons for Leshiy 2 and this seems better by a lot in all ways except appearance.