Exactly how many is too many

So I'm sure you guys know this. I was/still am a cyclist. And the correct number of bicycles and airguns is the same math. There are two equations: The correct number is: n + 1 where n = the number of your existing number of bicycles. Or, and most importantly, the correct number of air rifles is "S"...the equation is S -1 . Where "S" is the number of air rifles that results in a divorce. Carry on... ;-).
So I'm sure you guys know this. I was/still am a cyclist. And the correct number of bicycles and airguns is the same math. There are two equations: The correct number is: n + 1 where n = the number of your existing number of bicycles. Or, and most importantly, the correct number of air rifles is "S"...the equation is S -1 . Where "S" is the number of air rifles that results in a divorce. Carry on... ;-).
It’s way easier to store a dozen airguns than a dozen bikes.

I know this from experience.
I agree if you haven't shot it in 365 days, GET RID OF IT! I have an address to send it to. I might pay half of the shipping.
I thought you guys knew the mathematical formula for how many airguns should I own? It is N+1 = X where N equals the current number of guns, and X equals the new number. You can't go wrong if you do the math correctly. You just might go bankrupt, but you will maintain a mathematically defensible position in life. Be Well Ladies and Gentlemen, and the rest of you ruffians such as ME. Bandito Out. There appears a sheriff to be peeking in my window, with a paper in hand! DUCK. Be quiet dog......no dog, don't go to the window and wag your tail for treats. DARN DOG!
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So I'm sure you guys know this. I was/still am a cyclist. And the correct number of bicycles and airguns is the same math. There are two equations: The correct number is: n + 1 where n = the number of your existing number of bicycles. Or, and most importantly, the correct number of air rifles is "S"...the equation is S -1 . Where "S" is the number of air rifles that results in a divorce. Carry on... ;-).
I am a Billiards instructor and play pool a lot, I also have several pool cue's in the $2,000 and up range I understand the "Not too many of X" and anything worth doing is worth overdoing! I struggled with the math things a few years ago with "S-1 = Divorce" one day I packed up my toys, lathe, boat and powder burners and found a new home! Still on the fence about it being the best decision I made, although it wasn't the toys that caused it. I am happier now but still miss "home" after 34 years together.
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I am a Billiards instructor and play pool a lot, I also have several pool cue's in the $2,000 and up range I understand the "Not too many of X" and anything worth doing is worth overdoing! I struggled with the math things a few years ago with "S-1 = Divorce" one day I packed up my toys, lathe, boat and powder burners and found a new home! Still on the fence about it being the best decision I made, although it wasn't the toys that caused it. I am happier now but still miss "home" after 34 years together.
I don't want to just hit "thumbs up", especially since I have a pool table and a wife of 34 years ;-). My pool skills justify a $300 pool cue...even though I'm competitive as hell, for some reason I don't feel the urge to just practice pool to get better. I did take a lesson one time and learned a lot in one hour.
I have no problem justifying a $3000 air rifle, though. Even though my skills justify maybe a $700 dollar gun. I do "compete" in the 30 yard target challenge crowd. I really enjoy trying to hit that stupid dot at 30 or even 40 yards. Keeps me motivated...even though, if I was truly competing I'd be pack fodder. Cheers!
🔵 "Too many" airguns?! —
Is that even a possibility?
Sounds like round squares, dry water, and cold fire.
Scientifically impossible.
Philosophically unsound to even think it.

🔵 I know the answer to a related question, though: 😃
"Exactly how many scopes is too many?"
The answer is: n + 1
But you knew that already.

🔵 Full disclosure:
I have several redundant guns and scopes at present.
So, I have been conceptualizing which gun and which scope should be for which shooting scenario.
➧ ➧ ➧ And that kind of planning has been a lot of fun!

For the guns that didn't truly fill a niche I wrote up sales ads and took photos. (For some guns I have postponed the writing/ picture taking over three years.... 🤦🏻‍♂️).
I just sold another gun today. I'm feeling good about that.


What now?!
You ask how many scopes I have sold?
Perish the thought!
WHAT in blazes is WRONG with you?!?
Banish such filthy thoughts from your mind!! 😤
🔵 "Too many" airguns?! —
Is that even a possibility?
Sounds like round squares, dry water, and cold fire.
Scientifically impossible.
Philosophically unsound to even think it.

🔵 I know the answer to a related question, though: 😃
"Exactly how many scopes is too many?"
The answer is: n + 1
But you knew that already.

🔵 Full disclosure:
I have several redundant guns and scopes at present.
So, I have been conceptualizing which gun and which scope should be for which shooting scenario.
➧ ➧ ➧ And that kind of planning has been a lot of fun!

For the guns that didn't truly fill a niche I wrote up sales ads and took photos. (For some guns I have postponed the writing/ picture taking over three years.... 🤦🏻‍♂️).
I just sold another gun today. I'm feeling good about that.


What now?!
You ask how many scopes I have sold?
Perish the thought!
WHAT in blazes is WRONG with you?!?
Banish such filthy thoughts from your mind!! 😤
I tend to agree with all but your comment on scopes.
N+1? No no no, you must maintain a scope to gun ratio of at least 2 to 1.

I keep failing at this and need at least 3 more optics.
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I tend to agree with all but your comment on scopes.
N+1? No no no, you must maintain a scope to gun ratio of at least 2 to 1.

I keep failing at this and need at least 3 more optics.


I have a lot to learn from you!
Your sound rebuttal of my n+1 principle showed me a better way — the way of wisdom:
A healthy 2 to 1 scope-to-gun ratio.

Now I can buy BOTH the
● 1-8x24 FFP¹
AND the
● 2-10x32 FFP²
These scopes are fairly new — and have no equal (certainly not at this price range, and who offers the following specs in this magnification range, who?!?):
10y parallax (or 5y) | FFP | exposed turrets | holdoff reticle

I knew the AGN forum is a wonderful family of warm-hearted enablers. I feel right at home. 😃


¹ Link:

² Link:
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Well I have an opinion and a question.

Is that a pumper in walnut?

I feel that you have one too many. Please send the HW75 to me. I am sure you will feel better and so will I.
Not sure what type of wood it is. I used some dark stain on it when it was refinished. Good old steroid treatment 392. Hardest hitting pumper I’ve had I shoot cast NOE BBT’s in the brass barrel. The 75 was also recently acquired , really like it for ten meter shooting indoors.
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I don't want to just hit "thumbs up", especially since I have a pool table and a wife of 34 years ;-). My pool skills justify a $300 pool cue...even though I'm competitive as hell, for some reason I don't feel the urge to just practice pool to get better. I did take a lesson one time and learned a lot in one hour.
I have no problem justifying a $3000 air rifle, though. Even though my skills justify maybe a $700 dollar gun. I do "compete" in the 30 yard target challenge crowd. I really enjoy trying to hit that stupid dot at 30 or even 40 yards. Keeps me motivated...even though, if I was truly competing I'd be pack fodder. Cheers!
I have learned that "Skill" shouldn't be the reason a person should justify something; I have learned that many times over something that is built well cost more for the most part, performs better longer and you get more enjoyment out of it.
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I have a lot to learn from you!
Your sound rebuttal of my n+1 principle showed me a better way — the way of wisdom:
A healthy 2 to 1 scope-to-gun ratio.

Now I can buy BOTH the
● 1-8x24 FFP¹
AND the
● 2-10x32 FFP²
These scopes are fairly new — and have no equal (certainly not at this price range, and who offers the following specs in this magnification range, who?!?):
10y parallax (or 5y) | FFP | exposed turrets | holdoff reticle

I knew the AGN forum is a wonderful family of warm-hearted enablers. I feel right at home. 😃


¹ Link:

² Link:
I am glad to help, even though it is basic mathematics.

The 2-12x24 Discovery was added to Chairgun elite. Nice….
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In my case it just happened one day when I walked into my gun room. I had a WTH are you doing moment. The next problem is when you only own dialed in top quality guns. It’s easy to sell off sub performers. Not easy when the gun performs to my standards. I‘ve recently sold off four guns. I based my decision on do I have another gun that can fill in for the loss and what gun can I offer to someone that is almost guaranteed to make them happy purchasing used. The last part seems to be a hurdle a lot of guys just can’t get over. Is it sunken cost syndrome? Is the gun worth more to you than facing the reality of what it’s truly worth? I personally price a used gun so the buyer isn’t already pissed off before he receives it.

We all know when we over pay for something. Used or new because we want it so bad. But I believe that taints the whole buying experience out of the gate. And that’s partially the reason why guys get so mad and bash products that don’t live up to their expectations. They are already mad that they paid too much.
i agree one thing I see alot which really PMO is when a person bashes a company crying that it came to them damaged.The damage being caused by the shipping company.I would guess these guys have never owned a bizz and those stupid review stars can tarnish a company for something that is not the airgun biz has no control of.To put it nicely people like that are bitch Karens please blame the proper bizz instead of having a crybaby attack THANKS