Fx impact m3 or m4? If you're going to buy an impact?

M4 over the m3 not much of an upgrade but the upgrades are nice to have. I'm sure m3 owners wouldn't sell it to upgrade to the m4. So this question is for non impact owners. If you don't have an impact and want one. Which one to buy? The m3 or m4? I remember when the m3 came out every fx fan Boyz (Ted, Matt, South Africa Boyz, Utah airgun, shooter1721, and folks on here, etc) were so hype and bragging about the dual reg and saying having dual reg is a must. Then came the m4 and they got rid of that. Like what's up. If the hypes of the m3 was about the dual reg why get rid of it.
Having all four models of the Impact (MK1, MK2, M3, & M4) here's my .02cents The MK2 is really the "Best All Round" of the four versions depending on your "Purpose" for owning an Impact.
If you're wanting an "All Purpose" platform it's hard to beat the reliability and accuracy of the MK2. Especially if you do a few upgrades like the Power Block and 720 Plenum you've got a winner.
My #2 would be the new M4. FX went back and fixed all the things that were wrong with the M3 and improved the ergonomics of the gun. Although it's Brand New and largely unproven yet I'm
very happy with it. My #3 would be the original MK1. It's a great entry platform to the Impact line, solid and reliable. Again small upgrades to the MK1 make a big difference and it makes a great
Compact Hunter in any caliber. My least favorite is the M3 simply because it has flaws in the design that cause more leaks than any other impact. It wasn't an accident that FX got rid of the first
regulator and gauge when they launched the M4. Features: Yes the "Quick Tune" system is a very nice feature on the M3 & M4. But you soon learn that the key to a great shooting gun is once it's
correctly tuned and setup, DON'T MESS WITH IT! :) Also the ambidextrous cocking handle with a shorter throw is a nice improvement over the older Impacts, but it's not a game changer.
Finally, the ergonomic improvements to the new M4 are worth every penny. FX Really Listened to the feedback from earlier Impact owners and it shows in the final product. My favorite new
feature is the improved Dovetail Top Rail system. Never again will you complain that you need a longer or shorter rail for your optic. It's adjustable forward and back and opens the door for
endless adjust ability. So, M3 or M4.. M4 is the clear winner!

Thanks for your insights Tom!

I see the Impact MK1 as a pellet gun; the MK2 as a pellet gun with slug capabilities; the MK3 as a slug gun with pellet capabilities and the MK4 with refinements to the MK3 for long range shooting.

A lot of people complain about "too many" new models but I think that FX is upgrading the design to meet the current interests of the shooting community. It says alot about the original design that FX could more than doubled the (.22 caliber) power of the platform.

I have a .22/700mm MK2 tuned to 25g Monsters. It does everything I want, very happy with it.

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Thanks for your insights Tom!

I see the Impact MK1 as a pellet gun; the MK2 as a pellet gun with slug capabilities; the MK3 as a slug gun with pellet capabilities and the MK4 with refinements to the MK3 for long range shooting.

A lot of people complain about "too many" new models but I think that FX is upgrading the design to meet the current interests of the shooting community. It says alot about the original design that FX could more than doubled the (.22 caliber) power of the platform.

I have a .22/700mm MK2 tuned to 25g Monsters. It does everything I want, very happy with it.


Says a lot about the original design when they can double the power? Care to share all that? (what it says)

The ability to double, triple, quadruple a pcp's power output has nothing to do with brand.

Having all four models of the Impact (MK1, MK2, M3, & M4) here's my .02cents The MK2 is really the "Best All Round" of the four versions depending on your "Purpose" for owning an Impact.
If you're wanting an "All Purpose" platform it's hard to beat the reliability and accuracy of the MK2. Especially if you do a few upgrades like the Power Block and 720 Plenum you've got a winner.
My #2 would be the new M4. FX went back and fixed all the things that were wrong with the M3 and improved the ergonomics of the gun. Although it's Brand New and largely unproven yet I'm
very happy with it. My #3 would be the original MK1. It's a great entry platform to the Impact line, solid and reliable. Again small upgrades to the MK1 make a big difference and it makes a great
Compact Hunter in any caliber. My least favorite is the M3 simply because it has flaws in the design that cause more leaks than any other impact. It wasn't an accident that FX got rid of the first
regulator and gauge when they launched the M4. Features: Yes the "Quick Tune" system is a very nice feature on the M3 & M4. But you soon learn that the key to a great shooting gun is once it's
correctly tuned and setup, DON'T MESS WITH IT! :) Also the ambidextrous cocking handle with a shorter throw is a nice improvement over the older Impacts, but it's not a game changer.
Finally, the ergonomic improvements to the new M4 are worth every penny. FX Really Listened to the feedback from earlier Impact owners and it shows in the final product. My favorite new
feature is the improved Dovetail Top Rail system. Never again will you complain that you need a longer or shorter rail for your optic. It's adjustable forward and back and opens the door for
endless adjust ability. So, M3 or M4.. M4 is the clear winner!

Thank you for the "breakdown". Your evaluation is of great value so that those considering the M4 will have more info to make a confident decision.
I do not agree with the m3 being at the bottom at all. Having owned both a mk2 and mk3 and maybe because my m3 never gave me a single issue I am biased a bit 🤷‍♂️. However the quick tune system is so so so so much nicer than the pain staking tuning with a 1.5 mm Allen on the mk2. I personally would take a 3 over a 2 any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
I’ve also owned MKl, MKll, M3 but no M4. The M3 for my purposes was and is clearly the better gun than the older stuff. There was significant enough changes for some guys to buy new Impacts over the years. But others didn’t because the new model didn’t offer something they felt they needed. Do I think the M4 is a better gun and will outshoot a M3? It’s not a better gun but if I’m buying a new gun, the M4 is what I’m getting. Along with a first reg and gauge.
Says a lot about the original design when they can double the power? Care to share all that? (what it says)

The ability to double, triple, quadruple a pcp's power output has nothing to do with brand.

Hi Matt, yeah the designs' capability is is determined by the engineering team AND how much the company is willing to invest into the development and tooling, not the brand. Some companies invest in new technology and others are happy to coast with the old.

When the MK1 was designed 30-33 fpe was typical for a .22 caliber pellet gun. The chassis/valve/plenum was designed for that power level (plus a safety margin). Changes to the Impact has the increased the power, my stock MK2 is just over 50 fpe and my friends MK3 (with mods) is around 68 fpe. I'd say that that is a pretty good improvement. People have the option to upgrade earlier models if they want.

So the original MK1 pellet pusher design has evolved into a long range slug gun at the same time slugs were becoming more popular. Personally, I prefer pellets and at 50 fpe, my MK2 is plenty for my needs.

I do not agree with the m3 being at the bottom at all. Having owned both a mk2 and mk3 and maybe because my m3 never gave me a single issue I am biased a bit 🤷‍♂️. However the quick tune system is so so so so much nicer than the pain staking tuning with a 1.5 mm Allen on the mk2. I personally would take a 3 over a 2 any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Unless you need to tune and re tune your gun all the time, you don't really need the quick tune system. The mk1 and mk2, you can use the Allen key and leave it and just use the power wheel. If have 16 settings on the power wheel is a must, you can buy that and put on any impact. As for m3 vs m4, both have the quick tune system and this topic was on, is the m4 upgrades worth getting the m4 over the m3. As the m4 loses the dual reg but gains other upgrades. Is the dual reg a must like what it was hyped up to be when it came out with the m3. I know the mavic was the first to come out with the dual reg but the impact m3 was the first to have dual reg and 3 gauges for each reg.

“Unless you need to tune and re tune your gun all the time, you don't really need the quick tune system. The mk1 and mk2, you can use the Allen key and leave it and just use the power wheel. If have 16 settings on the power wheel is a must, you can buy that and put on any impact. As for m3 vs m4, both have the quick tune system and this topic was on, is the m4 upgrades worth getting the m4 over the m3. As the m4 loses the dual reg but gains other upgrades. Is the dual reg a must like what it was hyped up to be when it came out with the m3. I know the mavic was the first to come out with the dual reg but the impact m3 was the first to have dual reg and 3 gauges for each reg.”

I just have a different opinion 🤷‍♂️. The quick tune system is just that nice to me. Plus I never like “re tuning “ much with the power wheel. As soon as you move that the gun comes off the optimal tune spot although I will say the impact handles that better than probably any gun out there. You can also quickly make a few click adjustment on the hammer pre load quickly for different weather conditions. That perfect sweet spot can slightly change. A bit anal retentive?? Probably but it’s nice to have. I just personally would buy an m3 over the other two. It’s a step forward in my opinion. If I didn’t have an impact I would absolutely buy the m4 without a doubt. If I already had an impact I wouldn’t upgrade unless I just wanted another gun.
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It depends on what you're planning to do with it. In my case, I wouldn't want to trade my M3 for an M4 because I benefit from the two regs. My M3 is a 700mm .22 with the second reg just over 70 bar, tuned to shoot 18gr pellets. With the M4 I would lose the first reg so the only reg in that gun has to step down from a 250 bar fill pressure to just over 70 bar working pressure.

If I would get a .25 or a .30 it would be an M4. No need for two regs in the higher power registers.
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