Set a new world record today 306 … and shattered that record again 451 and AGAIN ... 540!

Thanks @JungleShooter and @Deadeye Dick . We are planning our next trip Monday and hope to break 10,000 total! We had hoped to break that number in December but the conditions were not favorable. I got some new insulated boots and re-chargeable hand warmers so we will see if that allows me to stay out a bit longer in the cold conditions?
How about bringing a lightweight hide with a propane heater inside.. you have your card made up for various distances which means you stay put at different distances instead of constantly walking anyway... So when you're done in one spot, pick up and move to the next spot.. I do this I'm my backyard in the winter
I we used a blind we would literally get run over by the huge 4 wheel drive tractors and feed wagon delivering silage every few hours.

⬛ I can just imagine your obituary: ⬛
"Two selfless helpers killed in the line of duty. Suffering from the brutal cold they nevertheless came out almost every weekend to help a cow farmer by liberating hundreds of cows from over 10.000 of flying rats that rained excrements on them day and night." 🕇

⬛ I can also see your headline (in a California news outlet) ⬛

Ruthless Animal Killers Got Their Just Deserts!

For years the suspects S. F. and I. F. have evaded justice for killing literally 10.000 innocent and defenseless little birds.

Every weekend so it seems, they went on a killing spree, armed to their teeth with assault airrifles and other killing machinery. The police discovered metal containers filled with many thousand(!) rounds of deadly ammunition, as if the suspects were prepped to go off to war!

This killing for entertainment had finally an end this past Saturday, as the suspects met their timely demise during an accident involving farm equipment.

The surviving family members fled both of our camera teams. Finally we were able to corner the wife of S. F. We asked her how it felt having been married to a person who kills for entertainment. However, she refused comment.

The local animal rights association came in full force to witness this act of Karma. As of today their corps of lawers have already pressed charges against the families, who are considered accomplices to this crime against animality.

We were able to talk to the owner of the farm, who seemed to have known the suspects well. We asked him if he had any children, and for how long he has been operating a cow concentration camp.

Our reporter, Phil Snowflake, then asked: "What have these poor birds done to you that you would want them to be killed?"
Instead of answering the question, the farmer started up to his giant tractor, and as he approached with squealing tires, our news crew thought it better to leave the premises.

The ammunition used in the killings contained LEAD, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. ■


God forbid any of the above ever happens!
But we should all take a quiet minute and face the following question:

How can I make this world a better place and
contribute to world peace... eliminating pests?

Matthias 😆
Last edited:
Thanks Luis @L.Leon . My hunting buddy @reiffra945 uses his P-rod VERY effectively. Lots of folks on this forum are all hung up on larger HIGH powered air guns and though they are fun to shoot they simply are not needed for certain hunting, pesting and plinking applications. His P-rod is tuned to shoot the CPHP's at an average of 534 FPS. Here is a recent crono 25 shot string he sent to me on his P-rod.

Created: 02/09/24 09:52 AM
Description: P-Rod CPHP 14.3
Bullet Weight(gr): 14.30
25 Shots
Average: 534.1 FPS
SD: 18.9 FPS
Min: 497 FPS
Max: 557 FPS
Spread: 60 FPS
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Hi Igolf,
I completely agree, the majority of people have no idea of what is ACTUALLY needed for a clean kill, especially at close ranges. Your friend is running around 9fpe, and I’m assuming it’s a .22cal? That would be just perfect for a pigeon.
I cull a lot of rabbits between 30 and 80yards, and even at 80yards my 12fpe .177 knocks them over stone dead!
If I’m doing close range rabbit work in gardens around houses and cars, I turn it right down to 4.5fpe, and even that will still pass through a rabbits head at 15yards!

I have a favour to ask you…
I also do a bit of pest bird culling, pigeons and sparrows, I’m going to try make my self an extension for my primos trigger sticks like yours. Would you be so kind as to post a pic of it for me so I can see how you have done yours?

Many thanks,
@RangerPete , Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Here is my CAD file that I used to make the extensions. I used 3/4" thick Oak. The bottom of the extension has a 1/4" hole drilled in the bottom (See red rectangle) and then I used a 1/4"-20 stud to mount it to the top of my trigger stick. Overall dimensions are 8.25" x 5". Hope this helps?

Top extension.jpg
I wanted to send out a plug for my hunting buddy @reiffra945 because he started his own YouTube channel documenting some of our pigeon hunting exploits. Check it out if you get some free time.

⬛ I can just imagine your obituary: ⬛
"Two selfless helpers killed in the line of duty. Suffering from the brutal cold they nevertheless came out almost every weekend to help a cow farmer by liberating hundreds of cows from over 10.000 of flying rats that rained excrements on them day and night." 🕇

⬛ I can also see your headline (in a California news outlet) ⬛

Ruthless Animal Killers Got Their Just Deserts!

For years the suspects S. F. and I. F. have evaded justice for killing literally 10.000 innocent and defenseless little birds.

Every weekend so it seems, they went on a killing spree, armed to their teeth with assault airrifles and other killing machinery. The police discovered metal containers filled with many thousand(!) rounds of deadly ammunition, as if the suspects were prepped to go off to war!

This killing for entertainment had finally an end this past Saturday, as the suspects met their timely demise during an accident involving farm equipment.

The surviving family members fled both of our camera teams. Finally we were able to corner the wife of S. F. We asked her how it felt having been married to a person who kills for entertainment. However, she refused comment.

The local animal rights association came in full force to witness this act of Karma. As of today their corps of lawers have already pressed charges against the families, who are considered accomplices to this crime against animality.

We were able to talk to the owner of the farm, who seemed to have known the suspects well. We asked him if he had any children, and for how long he has been operating a cow concentration camp.

Our reporter, Phil Snowflake, then asked: "What have these poor birds done to you that you would want them to be killed?"
Instead of answering the question, the farmer started up to his giant tractor, and as he approached with squealing tires, our news crew thought it better to leave the premises.

The ammunition used in the killings contained LEAD, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. ■


God forbid any of the above ever happens!
But we should all take a quiet minute and face the following question:

How can I make this world a better place and
contribute to world peace... eliminating pests?

Matthias 😆
wonderful , i read over morning coffee , and this topped the cake !!! very creative writing . Stan in KY .
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I wanted to send out a plug for my hunting buddy @reiffra945 because he started his own YouTube channel documenting some of our pigeon hunting exploits. Check it out if you get some free time.

Thanks igolfat8. We will be posting new videos of our pigeon hunts and airgun hobby. Please Subscribe to the channel (it’s free) and hit the “Like” button also.
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⬛ I can just imagine your obituary: ⬛
"Two selfless helpers killed in the line of duty. Suffering from the brutal cold they nevertheless came out almost every weekend to help a cow farmer by liberating hundreds of cows from over 10.000 of flying rats that rained excrements on them day and night." 🕇

⬛ I can also see your headline (in a California news outlet) ⬛

Ruthless Animal Killers Got Their Just Deserts!

For years the suspects S. F. and I. F. have evaded justice for killing literally 10.000 innocent and defenseless little birds.

Every weekend so it seems, they went on a killing spree, armed to their teeth with assault airrifles and other killing machinery. The police discovered metal containers filled with many thousand(!) rounds of deadly ammunition, as if the suspects were prepped to go off to war!

This killing for entertainment had finally an end this past Saturday, as the suspects met their timely demise during an accident involving farm equipment.

The surviving family members fled both of our camera teams. Finally we were able to corner the wife of S. F. We asked her how it felt having been married to a person who kills for entertainment. However, she refused comment.

The local animal rights association came in full force to witness this act of Karma. As of today their corps of lawers have already pressed charges against the families, who are considered accomplices to this crime against animality.

We were able to talk to the owner of the farm, who seemed to have known the suspects well. We asked him if he had any children, and for how long he has been operating a cow concentration camp.

Our reporter, Phil Snowflake, then asked: "What have these poor birds done to you that you would want them to be killed?"
Instead of answering the question, the farmer started up to his giant tractor, and as he approached with squealing tires, our news crew thought it better to leave the premises.

The ammunition used in the killings contained LEAD, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. ■


God forbid any of the above ever happens!
But we should all take a quiet minute and face the following question:

How can I make this world a better place and
contribute to world peace... eliminating pests?

Matthias 😆
I see you are very familiar with this dysfunctional state. There are other things I'd love to say but.....
I wanted to send out a plug for my hunting buddy @reiffra945 because he started his own YouTube channel documenting some of our pigeon hunting exploits. Check it out if you get some free time.

OH OH documentation of the mass murder, not good not good at all.
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@reiffra945 - I love the Dewalt powered target retrieval system, thank you for the idea!
My range extends across a valley and setting up targets is a time consuming hike up and down or around to change targets. Not anymore!
Not counting the cordless drill, I have about $20 in the setup. I used garage door pulleys an cable from Home Depot.
B46B7BCA-2E38-4F86-9C2C-1B58C69D439E_1_101_o.jpeg8BFF331C-DA70-40E8-BA80-C12797418FCE_1_201_a.jpegWe went to the dairy this morning for a pigeon hunt. We haven't been there for almost a month, so we were ready for some trigger time. Not our best outing, but we got 102 birds in about 2 1/2 hours. Both of us using .22 P-rod rigs, one shooting JSB Hades and the other shooting Crosman Premier HP. You can check out today's hunt on the Youtube channel (Airgun Retirees) - look for video entitled "Pigeons, P-rods, and hawks....Oh my!!"
Went to the dairy on Tuesday and used my Notos for the very first time on a hunt. It was great T-shirt weather. I tuned my Notos down to shoot CPHPs at 585 but I was getting a LOT of fliers. Tried every pellet I had and ended up using FX 16s. They were the right choice running at 565 FPS and they had exceptional accuracy out to the longest shot of the day @55 yards. My shooting buddy @reiffra945 has been dabbling in making some videos of our trips to the dairy. Here is a link if you are so inclined to watch?