N/A Whats the shortest?

A used verteran short would be ideal. Already has a very functional moderator with no real need for an added on one. Hell my standard length is pretty functional as a walk around hunting gun.

This picture is helpful.

Airmarks Caiman or Taipan Mutant. sub 23".
The new airmaks krait lite that's coming out with the huma reg and wood stock is very nice. I'm not much for bottle guns, or the tactical/raw guns like the impact or RTI guns. I have a bottle gun, but it's in a thumbhole walnut stock.

No plastic either, I don't like synthetic stocks.

But that new krait lite... reminds me a little of the hummingbird the way the stock meets the action.
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Wow, some of these are much shorter than I thought. Most need a mod added, so that's going to bring them up to the 28" +/- AOL range.
My Lelya is the smallest gun I’ve ever owned. And it stays small because no mod necessary. My Empire is next but it did require a tiny mod so the Lelya still wins.
Balistas website says 600mm for Vet Short. Which would make it about 23.6inches.

I added a slightly longer barrel to my Short but I remember it was shockingly short as-issued.
Uhm.. this is inaccurate. The vet long only has a 550mm barrel. The vet shorty barrel is more like 350mm. Unless your going OAL.