Looks Damn good to me Jimmy! Your first card with your New Rig! Not to shabby-
but man this heat is oppressive ! Maybe I'm just getting old but- I didn't even want to break everything down and haul it all in. Course not going to leave all my stuff out in this humidity !
But get out early or really late and practice- you'll be nailing them 750s easy as pie!
great shooting!
waiting to see some cards from you as well, Paul !
Gotta air condition that bench
Peace and sweatin in strange places Grease
but man this heat is oppressive ! Maybe I'm just getting old but- I didn't even want to break everything down and haul it all in. Course not going to leave all my stuff out in this humidity !
But get out early or really late and practice- you'll be nailing them 750s easy as pie!
great shooting!
waiting to see some cards from you as well, Paul !
Gotta air condition that bench

Peace and sweatin in strange places Grease
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