Been a while since crows woke me up with early morning calls, but today, they did. After morning coffee they returned. Grabbed Taipan Veteran Long .25 and slipped out side garage door. Plenty in trees and flying about calling loudly, good news, they hadn't noticed me. Leaning on, and hidden by, A/C compressor sent JSB 33.95 that dropped one @ 27-yards. Pandemonium followed. Dropped another from 33-yard pine, then another. Frantic calls brought more, sent one fleeing after loosing large puff of feathers. Panicked screams from a close call finally sent the remainder packing. Searched for three, only found one. After picture, placed crow in woods, an hour later loud, scolding calls from a tree just above the deceased. Walked out and placed off-hand shot right to body mass as crow snarled and growled. Flew off about as wobbly as I've ever seen. WM