Busy Day for Veteran

Been a while since crows woke me up with early morning calls, but today, they did. After morning coffee they returned. Grabbed Taipan Veteran Long .25 and slipped out side garage door. Plenty in trees and flying about calling loudly, good news, they hadn't noticed me. Leaning on, and hidden by, A/C compressor sent JSB 33.95 that dropped one @ 27-yards. Pandemonium followed. Dropped another from 33-yard pine, then another. Frantic calls brought more, sent one fleeing after loosing large puff of feathers. Panicked screams from a close call finally sent the remainder packing. Searched for three, only found one. After picture, placed crow in woods, an hour later loud, scolding calls from a tree just above the deceased. Walked out and placed off-hand shot right to body mass as crow snarled and growled. Flew off about as wobbly as I've ever seen. WM
I have a lot of them around here, fewer than they used to be though. They get educated real fast. Got to love those Veterans, grab it out of the safe after sitting in there however long and it will perform as if you just shot it.
Agreed, educated fast, quiet morning today. Thought they'd been well informed, apparently next generation didn't heed elder's warnings or this was a whole new mob from neighboring territory. Veteran grouped dime-size holes @ 50 yards day before, main reason for using. WM
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WM, you know they DO recognize & remember human faces & are INCREDIBLY intelligent. I'd now sleep with one eye open! :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Sure do, they go nuts when I'm noticed on daily bike ride. Don't know crow cuss words but I'm sure they're using freely. :ROFLMAO: Songbirds are living happy and free in "no-fly zone," nest raiding is in the past, doing my best to maintain. WM
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Next time I will see how many I can drop before they realize what’s happening.
Powder Burner noise alerts them right away, takes longer with airguns. Confusion reigns as comrades fall for no apparent reason, especially when you're well hidden. Doesn't last for long as even without complete understanding, the realize something very bad is happening. WM
That’s the great thing about the Vets. Silent. Wish I would have gotten a long instead of compact. Compact was needed at the time of purchase. Circumstances have changed since. I will try to scope record my next pandemonium session.
Trying owl/crow decoy setup, crow decoy on side, bottom center right photo. Used "Wobbly," at first, but getting ripe so discarded. Had some early morning interest but crows very skittish. WM
Try for a whole mags worth before they take off! Haha
Let us know how the set up works out.
Latest left only one in 10-round mag, (9 since store with empty chamber.) Figure 4 down out of eight shots, can live with that. Turkey vultures all over, they've no problem finding the two I couldn't. "Woods" here are more like jungle, thick and full of thorns. Any crow not quite finished, after crash landing, can hide. Going with JSB 44.75s in Wildcat MK3 Sniper or Uragan 2 since they seem to end matters faster. Best of Luck, WM