Sir, that’s all of them every single one of those guns can shoot insanely perfect except if you have Pinterest in then you have the wind to content with you have to become a win masterI would keep the most accurate gun.
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Sir, that’s all of them every single one of those guns can shoot insanely perfect except if you have Pinterest in then you have the wind to content with you have to become a win masterI would keep the most accurate gun.
I wouldn't cut it down to one rifle uless she is willing to cut it down to one handbag/purse
You are welcome.Good point I think I’m gonna stand up to her and tell her I’m keeping everything and I’m buying the black wolf if you don’t like it get the step in maybe I won’t say it like that but I will put my foot down thank you sir
I never looked at it that way and she has just as many handbags as I have rifles. It’s gonna be a very focused conversation tonight over a cup of coffee and we’re gonna discuss what it is. I’m keeping and I’m gonna tell her I’m keeping all of them and if she doesn’t like it, she needs to get rid of every single handbag in all of her shoes is she can only keep one thank you sir.I wouldn't cut it down to one rifle uless she is willing to cut it down to one handbag/purse
Lol, I certainly agree with that. None of my guns are opinionated. They’re kind of picky with a little bit of pellets that I choose or maybe the slug choices but they all shoot just fine. You know the real problem I’m recognizing now maybe it’s the woman as I said earlier in the post I think we’re gonna have a dedicated conversation regarding relationships tonight my relationship my relationship with my Airguns and Airguns were proved to be advantageousSounds like the general consensus is keep all but the one that is the most opinionated.
electric blanket? blue heeler?L O L - I agree with you, but I need somebody to keep my feet warm at night. What do you suggest that we buy foot warmers?
I would tell your 'advisor' that you're not only not going to sell one single rifle, but you are ordering three more.
My wife and I have been married 33 years and we never told each other what we could or could not purchase for ourselves, and that included large ticket items. If your 'advisor' is your future wife, I would highly recommend bailing now.
Congratulations 33 years that is amazing. That is a very good advice. There would be a nice conversation at the dinner table tonight because these guns were here before she was but even if it wasn’t, I love the guns and she don’t have to love them too, but she has to respect him Thank you sirI would tell your 'advisor' that you're not only not going to sell one single rifle, but you are ordering three more.
My wife and I have been married 33 years and we never told each other what we could or could not purchase for ourselves, and that included large ticket items. If your 'advisor' is your future wife, I would highly recommend bailing now.
could always let her try on the trigger a few times.. maybe she will find it wonderful and then you'll need another dozenAnother good point I think I’ll try to get my ring back and buy the black wolf instead
That is an expert advice. I certainly appreciate that but you know it’s interesting is the big ticket items came before I bought them before I knew her and we’re starting off this marriage a new and I have a big enough house to house so to be honest with you I don’t really understand what her problem is. Perhaps she is the problem. There will be a conversation at the dinner table tonight and I’m gonna stand my ground because at this time, it’s the only ground and you’re right if I do decide to sell some, I work hard. I deserve to have what I want if I can afford it and I want the black wolf And that’s what I’m gonna get. I’m a little bit different and not be as tough, but it will get done it might be a little bit of stuttering in between, but I will manage to get it out.Lol, the advice in this thread.
Came looking for airgun arsenal downsizing advice and is getting a whole different type of advice.
Much less than many here, but my wife and I are just two months shy of 20 years of marriage. Out of respect, we run big purchases by each other, but both understand the other is ultimately gonna do whatever we want. A "take it under advisement" arrangement. If your fiance is the downsizing influence, I'd also suggest you let her know you'll consider her suggestion.
You realistically do have too many to shoot. Happy medium to hang onto your pants wearing status but also appease the attempted coup of the current finance department would be to sell SOME of them, but to make it abundantly clear that you kept more than one. And that the funds generated from the sales are going towards a BlackWolf.
Marriage is a neverending game of. Ultimatems shouldn't be part of it, either direction.
The advice that I’m gaining is amazing and I’m learning and leaning towards keeping what I have and buying whatever the heck I wanna buy is my hobby is what I love and we can still eat a bologna sandwich tonight with a little bit of grits. We’re all good.I have never seen a thread get so many posts so fast !
There is a lot of good advice here !
I agree God bless your wife. You made a good point. You know what we do eat well and there is a roof over our head and we don’t have any debt and to be honest with you. The only real reason I can imagine that you would not want me to have that many guns and you wanna limit me to one it’s for selfish reasons. This is why I posted on this site because I wanted to get some people that were lovers of Airguns like me and I am a lover of Airguns and she’s trying to take the love of my life.I would think that if you have that many (about 15 by my count) that she'd have recognized just how much you're into this & how much it means to you. Although my wife isn't thrilled about money I spend/spent on this activity she does acknowledge how happy & fulfilled it makes me. As long as there's a roof overhead, bills are paid, food on the table & no debt she doesn't begrudge me having a "hobby". God bless her for understanding.
That's taking it a little to far brother. Marriage is give and take and I don't mean one gives and the other takes.The advice that I’m gaining is amazing and I’m learning and leaning towards keeping what I have and buying whatever the heck I wanna buy is my hobby is what I love and we can still eat a bologna sandwich tonight with a little bit of grits. We’re all good.
55 years next Nov. No arguments or slammed doors ever ., only compromises on when it was affordable to do . Now in retirement their is no limits , time or money .Congratulations 33 years that is amazing. That is a very good advice. There would be a nice conversation at the dinner table tonight because these guns were here before she was but even if it wasn’t, I love the guns and she don’t have to love them too, but she has to respect him Thank you sir
Thank you so kindly, sir for sharing your story with me it was very touching. You know I might just trade out the wife, the future wife for Kangal dog I hear they are very protective of the people they love and perhaps they could be protective of my guns. I don’t do a lot. I don’t desire a lot, but I want what I want and so I buy what I want. I’m not a gambler. I’m not on drugs and I don’t do any thing bad or have any bad habits, but I love Airguns and reading some of the comments that are coming through although some of them are sarcastic they are sarcastically, correct the consensus is you should be able to have what it is. You want as long as you can afford it but in this case, the guns were purchased before I knew her so I don’t see what the big deal is very intriguing very interesting. There would be a conversation tonight and some decisions to be made tonight but the Airguns inside the Airgun cabinet will be with me until death. Does this part thank you, sir. I certainly appreciate it.I'm just really hoping that the advice is not your soon to be wife..I wish you a lifetime of happiness..
awhile back I was having a rough time, dealing with issues and cancer and kids, having trouble navigating financial issues with disability..etc so I did what we all are supposed to do, since I don't have any close buddies to talk to I got a counselor .. I had a prior one awhile back and she had really helped me navigate disability but then 7 years on I was still only getting part of the money and I just couldn't get past the wall with SS..
so to make it short.. went to the councilor and after several visits he came up with a plan.. get rid of everything I love.. my guns, and worse yet my family and my dog..
I got to feeling even worse, out of desperation I contacted my congressman and he got me my my SSInow I was on a roll so I did the next logical thing, got rid of the councilor.. and WOW it was much better.. still had a lot of issues with cancer and my kids.. adult kids.. well I finally found a better counselor and I think she has helped me make peace with life..
life comes and goes, I remember once when I was young I had to sell most of my gun collection to make it through a hard winter, with 2 young kids and I kept all my powder guns.. but there's a handful of Airguns that I had that are extremely rare now, not replaceable, wish I could have kept a few.. move on to 8 years ago and I went through a divorce and had to sell half of the powder guns.. kept all that were very important to me.. since then I got back into airguns, I love to shoot and the quiet..
life comes and goes, just make sure you are happy with what you do and enjoy life..
definitely think about the council you got, whomever it was, and will you come to regret it later.. honestly the best thing I did with a counselor was to get rid of the bad one.. I mentioned it to my wife this year, I had such a hard time with the council that I didn't tell anyone, told my wife a couple months ago what he said and she agreed that best thing was to dump that councilor right away.
I wish you well and a lifetime of happiness..
Point taken and thank you very muchyou brought up a very good point.. happy wife makes a happy life.. opposite is usually true happy husband makes a happy life..
the important thing is all about having a roof, food and heat, bills paid..we all have so much to be thankful for..
I really hope it was someone else other than the soon to be wife that said he needs to get rid of all but one..