30-Yard Challenge

Updated Leader Board


Went at it again this morning. About 49 degrees and a light wind around 0-3mph on the Kestrel. I shot six cards; 4 cards with the RAW .22 and 2 cards with the FX Royale .22. Scored with .224" scoring plug. You know guys...if you would let me move the target up to 25 yards, I just know I could do better! :)-

RAW Cards below - Shot the 25g JSB RDs around 935 FPS



FX Royale below - Shot the JSB 18.1g around 880 FPS. I was happy with how the Royale shot vs. the RAW .22 HP. It was my first time with the Royale and I think I can do better. I reflected on Allen's narrative as he described the many things going through your head as you are shooting these targets. For me the hardest things to concentrate on are 'repeatable' technique and holds on the rifle for every shot; SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwing down between shots, and trying not to shoot in a wind condition that I know is tricky and not one where I am guessing a bit on the hold. 

Funny, how if you start out and get a couple of '9's,' how that mentally plays with your head when you are trying to hit '10's for the remaining bulls. Sort of takes the wind out of your sails when you start out poorly. So much of this is mental as much as it is physical. 



Raw .22 HP shooting the JSB 25g RDs




Where is the download file for this target? I wanna' get a dog in this hunt. I haven't shot in almost two years. I've been taking care of my wife. Sadly, she passed the day after Christmas, on our 39th wedding anniversary. Seeing those targets is the first thing that has peaked my interest in a long time. I probably can't even hit paper anymore...

UPDATE: Never thought to look on the first page. Carry on everyone.
Where is the download file for this target? I wanna' get a dog in this hunt. I haven't shot in almost two years. I've been taking care of my wife. Sadly, she passed the day after Christmas, on our 39th wedding anniversary. Seeing those targets is the first thing that has peaked my interest in a long time. I probably can't even hit paper anymore...

UPDATE: Never thought to look on the first page. Carry on everyone.

Hey Tony

Firstly, I am very sorry for your wife’s passing! I’m 40 years married this year and I can only empathize with you right now. I’m glad you are getting out and joining in here! We need your input. 

Yes, you can hit targets. When you get a chance, try it! Very addicting!

Wow! Congratulations on superb shooting! That is really good Tommy. Holding concentration for that many shots is outstanding. I like the wind flags too. Great job on all those cards!

Thanks Dave.

Boy, it is so easy to hit multiple 9’s. No forgiveness in this challenge. Pretty challenging, and so many of us zero at 20-25 yards and are happy with one ragged hole. Never thought this would be as difficult as it is. That grey 10 ring is very hard to hit 10 times!

Clearly Tom came up with a great idea.
I wanted to add I think a lot of these scores would be higher if plugged with a .22 USARB plug. Can be purchased through Champions Choice or I believe USARB organization.

I plug all of mine and some of those 9’s are actually 10’s or x’s!

Yeah, I started to order one, $10, but the shipping charge was $12! So, $22 for a scoring plug, I think not. I've had respect for CC over the years, but that is a huge ripoff. Drop it in a padded envelope with a first class stamp. I think I'll do without.
Welcome to the 200 club Joe! 🎊 

Tommy! Yes I think we have this fight in our head with ourselves as to why we don't do as well as we should. That's why when I started I just wanted to get just a little bit better everyday. When I got worst, I had to think about everything I'm doing and what did I do to not get better. But after looking at your flags. I don't think I would get anywhere near your scores

We have another impact! Welcome Tony, actually 2 more Tonys ?
