"Imold"1300 for the Pulsar N960 that's not to bad, I wonder how it compares to the ATN....might look nice on a RAW.......

ill never ever buy one but it's kinda nice thinking about it.
Well, that must be used or a knock-off. I paid $2,100 for mine. Oh, it would be perfect for my RAW! It dwarfed my Impact.
No it the real deal they just had a few to choose from and I went with the cheapest cause that's how I roll..........sometimes hahaha.
"Imold"The Bipod just showed up along with my phone mount for the scope and spotting glass, here is what I'll start with on my HMx, the Bipod seems to be pretty nice and solid.........real bad weather semi just blew over by us and 60mph winds with large hail on the way....
That bipod looks pretty sweet. The first thing I will do when my RAW arrives (right after doing a back flip) will be to mount my scope and square the scope level. A scope level is indispensable for shots over 50 yards, IMO. Gotta tame that cant!

It's 73 degrees here, mostly clear, a gentle 5 knot breeze coming in of the ocean, with mercury @ 30 in. Brutal.
"Imold"1300 for the Pulsar N960 that's not to bad, I wonder how it compares to the ATN....might look nice on a RAW.......

ill never ever buy one but it's kinda nice thinking about it.
Well, that must be used or a knock-off. I paid $2,100 for mine. Oh, it would be perfect for my RAW! It dwarfed my Impact.
No it the real deal they just had a few to choose from and I went with the cheapest cause that's how I roll..........sometimes hahaha.
Oh, the 960 doesn't have the integral range-finder.
"Imold"The Bipod just showed up along with my phone mount for the scope and spotting glass, here is what I'll start with on my HMx, the Bipod seems to be pretty nice and solid.........real bad weather semi just blew over by us and 60mph winds with large hail on the way....
That bipod looks pretty sweet. The first thing I will do when my RAW arrives (right after doing a back flip) will be to mount my scope and square the scope level. A scope level is indispensable for shots over 50 yards, IMO. Gotta tame that cant!

It's 73 degrees here, mostly clear, a gentle 5 knot breeze coming in of the ocean, with mercury @ 30 in. Brutal.
Yep scope level is a nice tool,I have a extra Vortex level that I was thinking about using or I was thinking of trying the one that comes off the picatinny rail,as long as the scope is mounted square I don't see why the rail mounted level wouldn't work.
"Imold"I even change the table cloth to a lighter one so my pics of airgun items show up better..... they had pulsars up to 4900 bucks, to rich for me..
I'm still using my webcam for pics because I can't figure out how to transfer pics from my IPhone!

Oh, the military-grade stuff can run into the 10s of thousands if you can even get your hands on it.
"Imold"The Bipod just showed up along with my phone mount for the scope and spotting glass, here is what I'll start with on my HMx, the Bipod seems to be pretty nice and solid.........real bad weather semi just blew over by us and 60mph winds with large hail on the way....
That bipod looks pretty sweet. The first thing I will do when my RAW arrives (right after doing a back flip) will be to mount my scope and square the scope level. A scope level is indispensable for shots over 50 yards, IMO. Gotta tame that cant!

It's 73 degrees here, mostly clear, a gentle 5 knot breeze coming in of the ocean, with mercury @ 30 in. Brutal.
Yep scope level is a nice tool,I have a extra Vortex level that I was thinking about using or I was thinking of trying the one that comes off the picatinny rail,as long as the scope is mounted square I don't see why the rail mounted level wouldn't work.
What I do is hang a weighted length of dental floss from the shower head and set up my rifle secured to a rifle rest in the living room (about 15 yards away). Then I level the barrel vertically with a carpenter's level and also level the rifle receiver horizontally. With the scope rings slightly loose so I can rotate the tube, I super-impose the vertical cross-hair of the reticle with the floss. THEN I adjust the scope level square. Then I batten down the hatches! A lot of folks neglect to level both the barrel and receiver first. This is the only way to ensure that the sight picture is truly cant-free.
so i was just browsing the threads here and came into some new info,,,,reading the raw vs daystate thread edwerder i think that wes his handle stated his raw rifle ,,he had a Hugget put on it during the build ,,says its super quiet never ever gave it a thought im also no fan of the raw 25 new ldc ,shroud thingy i never thought about a better mod also i think the TM model has a better trigger i like my lrt stock although i wish i had a trigger guard
"hynzie"so i was just browsing the threads here and came into some new info,,,,reading the raw vs daystare thread edwerder i think that wes his handle stated his raw rifle ,,he had a huggit put on it during rhe build ,,says its super quiet never ever gave it a thought im also no fan of the raw 25 new ldc ,shroud rhingy
I've read some of that thread and also read some on the 25 LRT......Real nice Airgun for sure.
"Imold"I use my iPad for pics it's pretty easy the way Michael set up this photo sharing thing.....Here is the level I might try,don't think I'll spend this much but it the Just of it,there are cheaper ones that are almost just like this.
One of these days I'll get a wild hare and figure it out. Your link is for the NV scope, not the level.

Here is my level. I'll probably move it to the ocular side of the turrets. It appears that I will not be able to use my parallax wheel due to interference with the mag. But that's alright, I never liked that look anyway. Sure, it makes focusing easier, but I'll get used to it. And I never used the range-finding function on it anyway.


"Imold"I use my iPad for pics it's pretty easy the way Michael set up this photo sharing thing.....Here is the level I might try,don't think I'll spend this much but it the Just of it,there are cheaper ones that are almost just like this.
One of these days I'll get a wild hare and figure it out. Your link is for the NV scope, not the level.

Here is my level. I'll probably move it to the ocular side of the turrets. It appears that I will not be able to use my parallax wheel due to interference with the mag. But that's alright, I never liked that look anyway. Sure, it makes focusing easier, but I'll get used to it. And I never used the range-finding function on it anyway.


My rings interfered with my wheel also,I could make it work if I pulled out on the wheel just a tad but like you I just took it off.....