"hynzie"so i was just browsing the threads here and came into some new info,,,,reading the raw vs daystate thread edwerder i think that wes his handle stated his raw rifle ,,he had a Hugget put on it during the build ,,says its super quiet never ever gave it a thought im also no fan of the raw 25 new ldc ,shroud thingy i never thought about a better mod also i think the TM model has a better trigger i like my lrt stock although i wish i had a trigger guard
It appears that an after-market moderator is doable for the RAW .357. glassman sent me some amazing pics of his RAW HMx .357 (130 ft-lbf regulated) that showed the rifle from all angles with the shroud/moderator in different stages of removal. If I can figure out how to post them here, I will. The moderator has an end cap that, when removed, exposes what appears to be male 1/2' UNF threads. I went through the Huggett Magna drill with my FX Impact .30 and the Magna has female 1/2" UNF threads. The threads are recessed in the moderator, but I'm sure there's a work-around.

I have been talking with Neil Clague (http://petersoncorner.com/clague/contact.htm) and DonnyFL (https://donnyfl.com/) about a custom mod, but hopefully I will be happy with the factory mod.
"Imold"Should of said then it's me working on getting rid of the gun cante hence the picatinny rail bubble.
I noticed in one of Ted Bier's (Ted's Holdover) videos that he had a level mounted on both his scope tube and his gun's Picatinny rail. He won the 2016 Extreme Benchrest Pro Class, so he oughta know, right?
That's the only place I've never put a rail,always figured if my scope was true and I had a level on it I was good to go.
"Imold"Should of said then it's me working on getting rid of the gun cante hence the picatinny rail bubble.
I noticed in one of Ted Bier's (Ted's Holdover) videos that he had a level mounted on both his scope tube and his gun's Picatinny rail. He won the 2016 Extreme Benchrest Pro Class, so he oughta know, right?
That's the only place I've never put a rail,always figured if my scope was true and I had a level on it I was good to go.
I think it's more of a line-of-sight convenience thang for him. If properly calibrated, you need only one.
just ordered a mtc viper pro 5 30 50 with fx no limit rings ,,,compressor comes tommorow scope maybe tomorow if they made the 5,.30 deadline to overnight utah to boston im getting closer ...still way behind u 2 i read u guys everyday i dont miss a comment i wanna b a airgun geek i just dont have all the tools yet,,,,chrony scale calibrator having a hard time with chairgun app and sterlock but every day it gets a little easier
"hynzie"just ordered a mtc viper pro 5 30 50 with fx no limit rings ,,,compressor comes tommorow scope maybe tomorow if they made the 5,.30 deadline to overnight utah to boston im getting closer ...still way behind u 2 i read u guys everyday i dont miss a comment i wanna b a airgun geek i just dont have all the tools yet,,,,chrony scale calibrator having a hard time with chairgun app and sterlock but every day it gets a little easier
Oh, man; we are way gone, dude! I love all the metrics involved with airguns. One of my favorite aspects of getting a new gun is putting her through the ringer: Cleaning the barrel; throwing lead across the Chrony to calculate ballistic energy, fps standard deviation ("SD"), shots per fill; zeroing; entering all the inputs into Chairgun; ranging the rifle; calculating the ballistic coefficients ("BC") of various pellets, weighing pellets; checking pellet diameter with calipers; adjusting the trigger weight, decibel ("dB") readings; etc.; etc.; etc.... Not to mention (too late) using my compressor and tanks, shooting sticks, rangefinders, binos... Hunting is almost secondary (almost). Welcome my friend to the show that never ends!

Really get into Chairgun. The features are amazing and I've found that you can rely on it hands-down. I'd be lost without my range cards! It seems like I discover a new neat feature almost every day :)
"hynzie"just ordered a mtc viper pro 5 30 50 with fx no limit rings ,,,compressor comes tommorow scope maybe tomorow if they made the 5,.30 deadline to overnight utah to boston im getting closer ...still way behind u 2 i read u guys everyday i dont miss a comment i wanna b a airgun geek i just dont have all the tools yet,,,,chrony scale calibrator having a hard time with chairgun app and sterlock but every day it gets a little easier
Oh, man; we are way gone, dude! I love all the metrics involved with airguns. One of my favorite aspects of getting a new gun is putting her through the ringer: Cleaning the barrel; throwing lead across the Chrony to calculate ballistic energy, fps standard deviation ("SD"), shots per fill; zeroing; entering all the inputs into Chairgun; ranging the rifle; calculating the ballistic coefficients ("BC") of various pellets, weighing pellets; checking pellet diameter with calipers; adjusting the trigger weight, decibel ("dB") readings; etc.; etc.; etc.... Not to mention (too late) using my compressor and tanks, shooting sticks, rangefinders, binos... Hunting is almost secondary (almost). Welcome my friend to the show that never ends!

Really get into Chairgun. The features are amazing and I've found that you can rely on it hands-down. I'd be lost without my range cards! It seems like I discover a new neat feature almost every day :)
I'm not quite like Marco when it comes to airguns I usually unpack it,add the goodies,run the Bore snake thru it,fill with air,shoot,fill with air shoot and repeat till I'm tired or board, but now that I've invested a good chunk of change into a air rifle I see myself headed off the deep side like I was with archery, check shaft spline,weight flecthing,weight nocks,weight the amount of super glue it takes to glue the fletching on and then weight whole arrow,get 6 that are 267.0,267.1,266.9,267.1,267.0,267.1 and I've done a good job within reason with spine being + or - 1 or 2 I'm happy..This is what I see happening with pellet weight,length,head size...yep going down hill again hahaha.
"hynzie"just ordered a mtc viper pro 5 30 50 with fx no limit rings ,,,compressor comes tommorow scope maybe tomorow if they made the 5,.30 deadline to overnight utah to boston im getting closer ...still way behind u 2 i read u guys everyday i dont miss a comment i wanna b a airgun geek i just dont have all the tools yet,,,,chrony scale calibrator having a hard time with chairgun app and sterlock but every day it gets a little easier
Yep ya either jump in with both feet or ya take it slow and collect the extra tools and things over time as a person can afford to do,no sense in going broke over something that can be done one step at a time,some of us had these tools from reloading or just mechanic work....You'll get there.
"hynzie"just ordered a mtc viper pro 5 30 50 with fx no limit rings ,,,compressor comes tommorow scope maybe tomorow if they made the 5,.30 deadline to overnight utah to boston im getting closer ...still way behind u 2 i read u guys everyday i dont miss a comment i wanna b a airgun geek i just dont have all the tools yet,,,,chrony scale calibrator having a hard time with chairgun app and sterlock but every day it gets a little easier
Yep ya either jump in with both feet or ya take it slow and collect the extra tools and things over time as a person can afford to do,no sense in going broke over something that can be done one step at a time,some of us had these tools from reloading or just mechanic work....You'll get there.
No matter what hobby I've ever been in, I always ran out and got the tool I needed when the need arose.
"Goodtogo"You can tell when someone has lost it when you see "overnight" shipping in a post? Sounds like me when I get in a hurry. ;)
I can honestly say that I've never ordered anything next day unless it was the dealer or manufacturer that was the problem and they paid or it was part of the deal....I can usually wait 2-4 days depending on where it comes from.
"Goodtogo"You can tell when someone has lost it when you see "overnight" shipping in a post? Sounds like me when I get in a hurry. ;)
I can honestly say that I've never ordered anything next day unless it was the dealer or manufacturer that was the problem and they paid or it was part of the deal....I can usually wait 2-4 days depending on where it comes from.
Me too, but I find it kinda funny that I'll spring thousands of dollars on a bit 'o kit, yet not go the extra $10 for expedited delivery!
"hynzie"just ordered a mtc viper pro 5 30 50 with fx no limit rings ,,,compressor comes tommorow scope maybe tomorow if they made the 5,.30 deadline to overnight utah to boston im getting closer ...still way behind u 2 i read u guys everyday i dont miss a comment i wanna b a airgun geek i just dont have all the tools yet,,,,chrony scale calibrator having a hard time with chairgun app and sterlock but every day it gets a little easier
Yep ya either jump in with both feet or ya take it slow and collect the extra tools and things over time as a person can afford to do,no sense in going broke over something that can be done one step at a time,some of us had these tools from reloading or just mechanic work....You'll get there.
No matter what hobby I've ever been in, I always ran out and got the tool I needed when the need arose.
Well ya it's always nice when you can run out and buy a vacuum pump/ brake bleeder or a wrench for the fan clutch or a turbo system and not worry about it but some folks get into a hobby and end up spending money they don't have and really can't afford and it becomes a burden and then the hobby isn't as fun. I've seen this in Nitro RC cars and things, also seen guy go broke because they had to have that Harley and really couldn't afford it......I. Don't want anybody to bust the bank when it comes to a hobby,want them to enjoy it not fret it.